Apple's E-Book Story Still Largely Unwrit - (Quotes: Joseph Bauer) - MacNewsWorld, July 12, 2013

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Apple's E-Book Story Still Largely Unwrit - (Quotes: Joseph Bauer) - MacNewsWorld, July 12, 2013

"The court got it right," Joseph P. Bauer, a professor of law at Notre Dame Law School, told MacNewsWorld.

"There's no exception to price-fixing for new entrants to a market -- even in a market where the established company has 60 or 70 percent of the market," he emphasized.

"In the short run, this may work out to Amazon's benefit," continued Bauer. "Amazon may be able to reassert its position in the market because of this ruling."

However, since Apple got into the market about three-and-a-half years ago, it has established a competitive market position, he noted.

"It has benefited from its unlawful behavior over the three-and-a-half year period," Bauer said. "It's a strong, viable competitor in the market."
