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American Journal of Jurisprudence (The American Journal of Jurisprudence)
ISSN 0065-8995
The American Journal of Jurisprudence is an international journal publishing critical discussions of the moral foundations of law and legal systems, exploring current and historical issues in ethics, philosophy of law or jurisprudence, and legal (including constitutional) theory. The most current issues/volumes can be found online via Oxford University Press. (Access to all of the content in this journal is restricted to the ND community)

Journal of Legislation (Journal of Legislation)
ISSN 0146-9584
The Journal of Legislation (JLEG) is one of the nation's foremost law reviews dedicated to addressing federal, state, and local legislative issues. JLEG is the oldest student-run publication at Notre Dame Law School after the Notre Dame Law Review. JLEG publishes two volumes per year, in the autumn and spring.

Natural Law Forum (The American Journal of Jurisprudence)
The Natural Law Institute, a function of the Notre Dame Law School, was established in 1947. In 1956, the Institute founded the Natural Law Forum, the only journal of its kind in the English language. The Natural Law Forum was published from 1956-1968. The name of the journal was changed in 1970 to the American Journal of Jurisprudence.
Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law (Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law)
ISSN 2325-2235
Welcome to the repository for the Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, hosted by NDLScholarship. JICL facilitates international scholarship and publishes contributions from distinguished scholars and practitioners on a variety of international and comparative law issues.

Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy (Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy)
ISSN 0883-3648

The Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy is unique among legal periodicals because it directly analyzes law and public policy from an ethical perspective. The Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy strengthens the Law School’s moral and religious commitment by translating traditional Judeo-Christian principles into imaginative, yet workable, proposals for legislative and judicial reform. Directed at both scholarly and public audiences, the Journal publishes in a symposium format and solicits contributions from distinguished scholars and prominent members of the public community.
Volumes 1 (1984-1985) through 31 (2017) are accessed here through the "Select an issue" dropdown menu to the left.
Volumes 28 (2014) and continuing are located on the Journal's new website.

Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies (Law School Journals)
The Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies (JET) transforms the landscape of legal publications by bridging legal scholarship with that of science, policy, and ethics in the most groundbreaking innovations of the technological space. JET provides a truly interdisciplinary platform in which a variety of viewpoints on emerging technologies can be articulated, promoted, and assessed. JET showcases a network of ideas that extends beyond the imaginary lines that tend to limit academic scholarship.

Notre Dame Law Review (Notre Dame Law Review)
ISSN 0745-3515
The Notre Dame Law Review was founded in 1925 and was known as the Notre Dame Lawyer until the name was changed in 1982. It is published five times a year by our students. It affords qualified students an invaluable opportunity for training in precise analysis of legal problems and in clear and cogent presentation of legal issues. The Law Review contains articles and lectures by eminent members of the legal profession and comments and notes by members of the staff. Entirely student edited, the Law Review has maintained a tradition of excellence, and its membership has included some of the most able judges, professors and practitioners in the country. Staff selection is based on either academic standing or demonstrated writing ability.

Notre Dame Law Review Reflection (Notre Dame Law Review)
The Notre Dame Law Review launched Notre Dame Law Review Online in December 2014, renamed the Notre Dame Law Review Reflection in September 2019. This online supplement to the print edition contains a variety of content, including essays, summaries of recent cases, commentaries on important new issues arising from recent Supreme Court decisions, and more pragmatically focused legal analysis from leading legal practitioners.