State Sovereignty and the Two Faces of Federalism: A Comparative Study of Federal Jurisdiction and the Conflict of Laws
Lea Brilmayer and Ronald D. Lee
Justiciability Decisions of the Burger Court
C. Douglas Floyd
Case Selection in the Burger Court: A Preliminary Inquiry
Arthur D. Hellman
Burger Court and the Commerce Clause: An Evaluation of the Role of State Sovereignty
Richard S. Myers
1982 State Action Trilogy: Doctrinal Contraction, Confusion, and a Proposal for Change
Ronna Greff Schneider
Burger Court's Unified Approach to Standing and Its Impact on Congressional Plaintiffs
Arthur H. Abel
Children's Rights under the Burger Court: Concern for the Child But Deference to Authority
John D. Goetz
Burger Court and Preemption Doctrine: Federalism in the Balance
Elaine M. Martin
Book Review
G. Robert Blakey