Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany: Decisions on the Constitutionality of Legal Norms
Wolfgang Zeidler
On Being a Professional Elder
Thomas L. Shaffer
Social Science Statistics in the Courtroom: The Debate Resurfaces in McCleskey v. Kemp
Sheri L. Gronhovd
Physical Presence Basis of Personal Jurisdiction Ten Years After Shaffer v. Heitner: A Rule in Search of a Rationale
Eric P. Heichel
Attorneys' Fee Forfeiture under the Comprehensive Forfeiture Act of 1984: Can We Protect against Sham Transfers to Attorneys
Sharon R. O'Keefe
Automatic Companion Rule: A Bright Line Standard for the Terry Frisk of an Arrestee's Companion
John J. O'Shea
Copyright Protection for Compilations of Fact: Does the Originality Standard Allow Protection on the Basis of Industrious Collection
Elizabeth M. Saunders
Tax Reform Act of 1986: Simplification and the Future Viability of Accrual Taxation
Michael J. Stepek
Book Review
Jonathan L. Entin