Getting the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth: The Limits of Liability For Wrongful Adoption
D. Marianne Bower Blair
Corporate Governance and Stockholder Abdication: Missing Factors in Tax Policy Analysis
James R. Repetti
Book Review
Avalon Ethics (Review of Shaffer & Shaffer: American Lawyers and Their Communities: Ethics in the Legal Profession)
Thomas D. Eisele
Catholic Law School
John T. Noonan Jr.
California v. Acevedo: The Court Establishes One Rule to Govern All Automobile Searches and Opens the Door to Another Frontal Assault on the Warrant Requirement
Peter C. Prynkiewicz
State Action and the Peremptory Challenge: Evolution of the Court's Treatment and Implications for Georgia v. McCollum
Michael N. Chesney and Gerard T. Gallagher
Corporate Sponsorships of Charity Events and the Unrelated Business Income Tax: Will Congress Or the Courts Block the IRS Rush to Sack the College Football Bowl Games
David A. Haimes CPA