Symposium: The American Congress: Legal Implications of Gridlock
The Phenomenology of Gridlock
Josh Chafetz
Why Gridlock Matters
Michael J. Gerhardt
Reconciling Congress to Tax Reform
Rebecca M. Kysar
Don't Be So Impatient
Gerard N. Magliocca
Site-Specific Laws
John Copeland Nagle
Gridlock and Senate Rules
John C. Roberts
Legislative Gridlock and Nonpartisan Staff
George K. Yin
Prison Is Prison
Brooke D. Coleman
The Law and Economics of Products Liability
Keith N. Hylton
New Governance and Industry Culture
Karen Bradshaw Schulz
Putting Paradise in the Parking Lot: Using Zoning to Promote Urban Agriculture
Stephanie A. Maloney
Form over Use: Form-Based Codes and the Challenge of Existing Development
Katherine A. Woodward