NDLS Communicator

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The Latest News

  • Notre Dame Law School launches Intellectual Property Externship led by alumna Jenna Tracy '19 J.D.
  • ND Law’s Exoneration Justice Clinic receives generous gift to expand exoneree reentry services

Student News

  • Notre Dame Law students gain experience through summer in-house legal work at major corporate firms
  • The Supreme Court Historical Society announced that Dennis Wieboldt is the recipient of the 2024 Henry J. Abraham Early Career Research Grant. Wieboldt is a Richard and Peggy Notebaert Premier Fellow at the Graduate School and a Edward J. Murphy Fellow at the Law School.
  • The Exoneration Justice Clinic was mentioned in an Indiana Lawyer article, "Innocence Project set to open Indiana chapter."

Alumni News

  • Nourhan Fahmy ‘24 LL.M. Engages with Critical Human Rights Issues at the UN OHCHR in Geneva, Switzerland

Faculty News and Briefs

  • Roger Alford was quoted regarding Google's antitrust case by USA Today, The Hill, and The Washington Post.
  • Derek Muller was quoted regarding election law by Reuters and Bloomberg.
  • Mary Ellen O'Connell wrote for the Conversation, "Assassination is always unlawful - regardless of who is killed and on whose orders."
  • Sam Bray's article, "The Purpose of the Preliminary Injunction," was featured on the Legal Theory Blog.
  • Jimmy Gurulé's co-authored book, "National Security Law: Principles and Policy, Third Edition" (Aspen Treatise Series), was recently published. The book serves as a guide to the legal foundations and architecture that frame the exercise of key national security powers: diplomatic, intelligence, information, military, economic, and criminal.


August 19-23

  • Welcome Week

Monday, August 26

  • Kick Off Academic Year Luncheon for Faculty and Staff, 12:30 pm ,Smith Ballroom, Morris Inn
  • First Day of Class
Around the Watercooler
  • We will celebrate August birthdays, Wednesday, August 21, 9-10 a.m.


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