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The Center for Civil and Human Rights presents
Indictment of Child Labor by the Arts
February 24-26, 2013
Co-sponsored by The Center for Social Concerns, Higgins Labor Studies Program University of Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters The Department of Film, Television and Theatre The Kellogg Institute for International Studies
Sunday, February 24 2:30 p.m.
Philbin Studio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
“Shadows of the Reef ” A play by Anton Juan
For ticket information please call the DeBartolo Performing Arts Ticket Office at 574-631-2800
Carlos Arejola
National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Manila
A Coordinator at the National Commission on Literary Arts, Mr. Arejola is a highly respected playwright and author, widely conversant in subjects surrounding media literacy and social engagement.
Monday, February 25
7:30 p.m.
Hesburgh Center Auditorium
“Last Train Home” A film by Lixin Fan
“Fields of Mudan” A film by Steven Chang
No admission will be charged for these films.
Hot chocolate will be served after the films.
Terence Coonan
Center for Advancement of Human Rights, Florida State University
Mr. Coonan is the executive director of the Florida State University Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, and teaches in the FSU Criminology, Law, and Film Schools. He litigates asylum and immigration cases nationwide, and has done extensive work on human trafficking.
Tuesday, February 26
5:00 p.m.
1140 Eck Hall of Law
Panel Discussion
How do the arts expose, dramatize, and indict child labor - and what impact do these actions have beyond the arts?
How does the power of “fictionalized” depictions of child labor in the arts differ from the impact of the “raw facts” upon which lawyers and scholars tend to focus their attention?
A reception in Eck Commons will follow the panel discussion
Anton Juan
Department of Film, Television and Theatre, University of Notre Dame
Internationally recognized for work that often challenges convention, Prof. Juan is the founding Artistic Director of the Step of Angels Theatre in Athens, Greece and was the Director-General of Dulaang UP, University of the Philippines.
Moderator Paolo Carozza
The Center for Civil and Human Rights
Notre Dame Law School
Resources for action on trafficking brought to you by the Center for Social Concerns
: Find Out More
U.N. Convention on Child Labor: International Labour Organization: Catholic Relief Services: Child sex trafficking: Slavery Footprint: Human Rights Watch: Free the Slaves: International Justice Mission: United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: S.O.S. at the Family Justice Center of St. Joseph County: The Casie Center: Not For Sale: The Polaris Project: The Child Labor Coalition:
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