
Creation Date
March 2019: Schedule
University of Notre Dame LGBT Law Forum
March 26th- Executive Board Elections; come vote for next year's governing body!
March 27th- Sorins (9:45-11:00am)
Breakfast at Sorins with Jim Obergefell, Greg Bourke, and Michael DeLeon, plaintiffs from the Supreme Court marriage equality case.
March 27th- McCartan Courtroom (12:30pm-1:30pm)
Marriage Equality Event; listen to Jim Obergefell, Greg Bourke, and Michael DeLeon discuss their experiences at the Supreme Court and how their fight resulted in federal marriage equality.
March 29th- Legends (8:00pm)
Networking Event at Legends; LGBT Alums from Notre Dame and St. Mary's have invited us to join them for an event at Legends. Come meet everyone!
March 30th- Sorins (10:30am-12:00pm)
Sorin's Brunch with John Sullivan, a Notre Dame Law Alumni.
March 30th- Eck Visitor's Center (6:30pm)
GALA-ND/SMC Awards Dinner; this year, Mayor Pete, Fr. James Martin, and John Sullivan are being honored for their work. There are eight spots for NDLS, email Jack Bergen at to reserve a seat!
Everyone is welcome, all events are free and have food!