
Creation Date
March 22, April 4, and April 21, 2024 | 8:00 AM–5:00 PM | By Reservation Only
Secure a spot on one of three research field trips sponsored by the Fitzgerald Institute for Real Estate's Church Properties Initiative and the Center for the Study of Religion and Society's Chicago Congregations Project in Spring 2024.
Join us for an exciting day to learn about religion in the Windy City and to gain hands-on research experience with GIS mapping and survey data collection.
Madeline Johnson (Program Manager for FIRE’s Church Properties Initiative), along with Kraig Beyerlein (Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society, and Co-PI of the Chicago Congregations Project) and Peter Ryan (Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society and Post-Doc for the Chicago Congregations Project) will be organizing and leading the trips.
Before the trips, students will attend an hour-long or so training session in which they will learn important substantive and methodological details about the research project and GIS (Geographic Information System) technologies. Students will also be given information about the neighborhoods—from the U.S. Census and other sources—that they will be visiting.
During the trips, students will apply these technologies, mapping congregations in various Chicago neighborhoods. Students will also assess active status and property value of the congregations they map by visually inspecting external features of the site, such as the condition of the building and grounds, as well as those of the block and wider neighborhood in which the congregations are located. Students will also have the chance to administer surveys to congregations for the research project.
All travel expenses will be covered as well as breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner. Trips will depart Notre Dame’s campus around 8 AM and return by 5 PM or so. The Sunday date (April 21) will accommodate participants' scheduling needs for attending Sunday Mass.
By Reservation Only (University of Notre Dame only).