Equality and Religious Liberty: Oppressing Conscientious Diversity in England

Equality and Religious Liberty: Oppressing Conscientious Diversity in England

John Finnis, Notre Dame Law School


Book Chapter

Equality and Religious Liberty: Oppressing Conscientious Diversity in England, in Religious Freedom and Gay Rights: Emerging Conflicts in the United States and Europe 21 (Timothy Shah, Thomas Farr, and Jack Friedman eds., 2016).

"When these analyses and reflections were first drafted, in 2012, the stories they focused upon outlined a situation ominous for conscience, religion, and civil liberty. By the time they were supplemented and completed in 2015, the stories had almost all ended badly, and the outlines of an oppressive new settlement had been etched deeply into English law and civil society. Oppression in the name of equality and diversity sharply attacks those very values, even as it deepens the other wounds it inflicts on the substance of our common good and the sustainability of our people." (21)