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8 Notre Dame Law. 338 (1933).


In this article, William James Hoynes explores the full scope of education: the means by which all history is brought to knowledge in light of the past and sheds light on the future. He posits that education summarizes all of history, and creates a broadening influence upon the mind of a true scholar. Yet he explains that the law is not to be viewed as a system of arbitrary rules. It rests upon a consciousness of the needs of society. It adapts itself or is enacted with reference to these needs. Not only is the law the highest manifestation of human wisdom and sound reason, but it serves also as a most important educational agency. It teaches not only directly, but by its analogies, and fixes in the mind a habit of close reasoning. It tends to create a method of thinking peculiarly its own. It directs investigation to the origin of things. It insists upon concentration and continuity of thought in the investigation and proof of the subjects with which it deals. And the habit of reasoning to which it leads is not restricted solely to subjects of legal cognizance. It is applicable to all the relations of life.


Reprinted with permission of Notre Dame Law Review (previously Notre Dame Lawyer).



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