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Book Review

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34 Am. J. Juris. 256 (1989)


Professor Weinreb's aim in this thoughtful and thought-provoking book is a drastic overhaul of the ongoing debate about natural law. Natural law as he sees it is not a mere theory about the relation of law and morality: it is a comprehensive theory about the place of human beings in the cosmos. As such, it has a profound bearing on legal questions, but not in the way its current proponents have in mind. By recasting the fundamental question of natural law, Weinreb sheds light on many subsidiary questions of legal theory. This is a difficult book, because it is closely argued. You are not always sure where the author is taking you until you get there, but the reasoning is impeccable, the prose is probably as clear as the argument will allow, and cogent and imaginative examples are regularly provided.



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