Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Publication Information

1 Nw. Univ. J. Int'l Hum. Rts. [iii] (2003)


I am pleased to introduce our conference on Human Rights and the Law of War: New Roles for the World Court? Why this conference? And why now? Our conference is prompted by two contrasting phenomena: The caseload of the ICJ seems to have been transformed in the post-Cold War period. The World Court is now busier than ever. It has more cases, increasingly involving questions of human rights or ongoing armed conflict. Yet these three inter-related phenomena—increased caseload, and more cases involving human rights or armed conflict—have been little analyzed or studied. Our purpose is to contribute to public and scholarly reflection on these apparent trends, as well as on their causes and import.


Reprinted with permission of Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights.



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