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73 Notre Dame L. Rev. 205 (1998).


John J. Broderick, professor emeritus of the Notre Dame Law School, died February 28, 1997. He was born in New York in 1910. He graduated summa cum laude from Washington and Lee University in 1932 and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. In 1936 he graduated summa cum laude from St. John's University Law School and practiced law in New York City and Yonkers, New York until joining the Navy in World War II. In 1947 he became a member of the Notre Dame Law School faculty.

I first knew Professor Broderick as a student in the Law School from 1946 to 1949. Later I joined him on the faculty and we worked as colleagues for twenty-six years. Professor Broderick was a kind, thoughtful, friendly, out-going, witty, and hard-working person.

Professor Broderick's long life at Notre Dame was one of joyful service—first to his beloved students, then to his fellow faculty members, multitudes of friends, and the University he revered.


Reprinted with permission of the Notre Dame Law Review.



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