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71 Notre Dame L. Rev. 605 (1996).


Edward J. Murphy, my teacher, colleague, and friend, was as devoted as anyone at Notre Dame could be, to a Christian law school on this campus. He announced a personal and institutional claim, and he expressed his hope as well, when he told our graduating law class, in 1994, that this is "a school which publicly and without apology proclaims its religious roots."

And he was as interested as anyone could be in identifying those religious roots, and exploring the implications of them for the practice of law at the end of the twentieth century in the United States of America. "If we are able to see everything in the context of the triune God and His activity, the universe is totally real, totally rational, and totally meaningful," he said.

To Ed Murphy's vision for our school, in thanksgiving for his thirty-seven years of brilliant teaching, example, and inspiration, and in his memory, I dedicate this report on one small experiment in the vocation he lived, every day, and offered to the rest of us here.


Reprinted with permission of the Notre Dame Law Review.



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