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39 Notre Dame Law. 365 (1964).


The quest for political equality has been a major theme of American history. Indeed, since 1789, the American political system has undergone steady progress toward increasing democratization.' Slavery was abolished in 1865. The right to vote is no longer limited by restrictions based on property, race, color, or sex. Since 1913 United States senators have been elected by the people. Political equality is afforded to the citizens of each state through the equal protection and due process clauses of the fourteenth amendment. And the operation of the electoral college, originally intended to house a political elite, has been so modified by the American party system as to render the presidency the most democratic political institution in the land. Indeed, presidential politics has brought us as close to majority rule as we can ever expect to get in an imperfect political world.


Reprinted with permission of Notre Dame Law Review (previously Notre Dame Lawyer).

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