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48 Notre Dame Law. 232 (1972).


This is my first report to you as dean of the Notre Dame Law School. It seems to me important to begin it with an assessment of the decade that intervened between 1961, when I graduated from the Law School, and 1971, when Father Hesburgh appointed me to be dean. I assess, of course, a decade of law at Notre Dame during most of which (1963-71) I participated as a member of the faculty. I made this assessment, in approximately these terms, to Father Burtchaell and to our students in March, 1971; to our Advisory Council in April, 1971; and to Fathers Hesburgh and Joyce in August, 1971. I believe I can now project from it a purpose and a structure for growth.


Reprinted with permission of Notre Dame Law Review (previously Notre Dame Lawyer).



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