"Law Library Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 6 - March/April 2011" by Kresge Law Library

Law Library Newsletter

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Read part two of the profile of Notre Dame’s first three women law library directors Find recommended events and more in the new column “Around the Bend” Think Hesburgh library is for everyone else on campus? Read about some resources useful to law students and faculty

We are now in the testing phase of a new next- generation discovery tool that will greatly enhance the search results of our traditional LINK library catalog. Encore Discovery, a product from Innovative Interfaces, Inc., will integrate scholarly articles and our expanding e-books and digital collections with our traditional print resources. Together with CatalogPlus, the Hes- burgh Libraries‘ discovery tool, we are providing powerful cutting-edge access to a wealth of information that supports the scholarly endeavors of our faculty and students. Stay tuned for more information about En- core and the Kresge Law Library.

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Law Commons



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