"Social Media Good Practices" by Kai Alexis Smith

Document Type

White Paper

Publication Date



It was the start of summer 2014 when the University of Notre Dame (ND)’s Kresge Law Library (KLL) started to make its entry into social media with a Twitter account@NDLawLibrary. The accountgrew a following to focus on library related topics. In Fall 2014, the KLL conducted a social media survey focusing on graduate students.Participants in the survey included 355 graduate students that completed the survey out of the 629 that received it. Of the participants that responded to the question as to whether they would follow the KLL in social media,66% (212 of 320) of participantsresponded that they would. In response, the Kresge Law Library started the Facebook fanpage Kresge Law Library and continued with the Twitter account in an effort to increase communication between the Library and the graduate students.
