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Download Editor's Introduction, Edward F. Barrett (150 KB)

Download The Source of Human Rights, George E. Sokolsky (590 KB)

Download The Natural Law and the Right to Liberty, Hon. Thomas J. Brogan (779 KB)

Download The Natural Law and the Right to Property, Hon. Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr. (1.2 MB)

Download The Natural Law and the Right to Self-Expression, Felix Morley (993 KB)

Download The Natural Law and the Right to Pursue Happiness, Rev. John C. Ford, S.J. (1.7 MB)


From the Introduction

The papers read at the 1950 Convocation of the Institute and reprinted in this volume were concerned with certain "rights" which we Americans call "fundamental:"

  • the right to liberty
  • the right to property
  • the right to freedom of expression
  • the right to pursue happiness

Does the Natural Law as the source of human rights offer a true and solid explanation of what men really mean when they call such rights "fundamental"? This was the central theme of the 1950 sessions.

Publication Date



Notre Dame Law School


Notre Dame, Indiana


natural law


Law | Natural Law


Edited by Edward F. Barrett

Sponsor of the Notre Dame Natural Law Institute Proceedings, Mr. Alvin A. Gould, of Cincinnati, Ohio

Natural Law Institute Proceedings, 1950, Vol. 4

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Natural Law Commons
