More so than any preceding medium, the Internet has provided users the ability to communicate quickly and without significant restrictions. Today’s children face the challenge of seemingly mundane activities, part of everyday life, that have the potential to ruin futures. A single status update on Facebook, post on Twitter, or video on YouTube can have lasting ramifications. Minors are not the only population to later experience post regret, but unlike politicians, athletes, or any other adults, youthful indiscretion will often lead to less prudent and thoughtful decision-making. Before nearly every person had an Internet-capable camera in their pocket at all times, teenagers could make mistakes, but would not have to wear a scarlet letter into adulthood. The rise of these devices and mobile applications create this risk, which is further exacerbated by the rise of countless outlets, many of whom fall victim to short shelf-lives of popularity, making potential laws more difficult to properly tailor
Recommended Citation
Stephen J. Astringer,
The Endless Bummer: California's Latest Attempt to Protect Children Online Is Far Out(Side) Effective,
Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol'y
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