Expanding Requirement for Registration As Broker-Dealer under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Denis T. Rice
Section 303 Stock Redemptions by Closely Held Corporations
Dean L. Overman
Behavior Modification: Legal Limitations on Methods and Goals
C. Benjamin Moya and Roberta Achtenberg
Death Penalty We Can Live With
Rudolph J. Gerber
Trustee's Power to Delegate: A Comparative View
Elizabeth E. Baringhaus
Class Actions and the Need for Legislative Reappraisal
Thomas G. Foley
Right of a Creditor of an Heir to Contest the Will
James R. Hellige
Merchantability and the Statute of Limitations
Timothy J. McDevitt
Ancillary Jurisdiction and the Jurisdicitonal Amount Requirement
Michael T. Riddell and John Henry Davis
Procedural Due Process and Short Suspensions from the Public Schools: Prologue to Goss v. Lopez
Michael Snyder
Unusually Hazardous Railroad Crossings: The Due Care Trend
Ernest J. Szarwark