San Jose's Lawsuit Against Major League Baseball Is Weak - (Quotes: Joseph Bauer) - Forbes, June 20, 2013
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San Jose's Lawsuit Against Major League Baseball Is Weak - (Quotes: Joseph Bauer) - Forbes, June 20, 2013
“The league could certainly maintain a degree of control of its franchises, as does the NFL and other leagues,” says Joseph Bauer, a professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, who studies sports labor issues. “Removing the exemption doesn’t make it unlawful if it has merit.” Merit would conceivably include optimizing business by spreading things out in a way that makes sense.
Recommended Citation
Bauer, Joseph P., "San Jose's Lawsuit Against Major League Baseball Is Weak - (Quotes: Joseph Bauer) - Forbes, June 20, 2013" (2013). NDLS in the News. 73.