
Creation Date
Redacted Lives
Secrecy and Mohamedou Ould Slahi's Guantanamo Diary
Larry Siems
editor of Guantanamo Diary
author of the Torture Report
Monday April 4,
12:30 pm- 1130 Eck Hall of Law
lunch served- undergraduates welcome
Larry Siems has published scores of articles on human rights and cross-cultural themes, and served for many years as director of Freedom to Write Programs for the writers advocacy organization PEN. His work has appeared in a wide range of publications, including The New York limes, The Los Angeles Times, and Slate. He will discuss the process of bringing Mohamedou's manuscript from classified secret to published book, and about the larger context of censorship, secrecy, and accountability for post-9/11 detention and interrogation operations.