
2016 Midwest Regional Colloquium on International Law and International Organization McKenna Hall, Room 200 | University of Notre Dame.
7:45am-8:30am: Continental Breakfast in the McKenna Hall Dining Room Session I 8:30-9 Caroline de Lima e Silva, University of Copenhagen and Northwestern University. “Beyond the Constitutionality of the Brazilian Amnesty Law: Crimes Against Humanity as a Case Study to Understand the Brazilian Supreme Federal Tribunal’s (STF) Behavior and Struggles of Civil Society.” Discussant: Jason Renn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 9-9:30 Gabriel Orozco, FLACSO Ecuador. “The Role of UNASUR and CELAC in the Security Identity of the South American Region.” Discussant: Felipe Cole, Northwestern University 9:30-10 Emilia Justyna Powell and Steven McDowell, University of Notre Dame. “Islamic Sovereignty Norms and Peaceful Settlement of Territorial Disputes.” Discussant: Nisha Fazal, University of Notre Dame.
10am-10:30am: Coffee break Session II 10:30-11 Mara Pillinger, George Washington University. “WHO’s Making Law? Success and Failure of World Health Organization (WHO) Treaty-Making.” Discussant: Andrew Day, Northwestern University 11-11:30 W.T. Worster, The Hague University of Applied Sciences. “Re-Examining the Rules on Customary International Law in Light of Critical Mass Theory.” Discussant: Steven McDowell, University of Notre Dame 11:30-12 Nisha Fazal and Rita Konaev, University of Notre Dame. “Rebels and Landmines: When and Why do Rebel Groups Commit to Adhere to the Laws of War?” Discussant: Emilia Justyna Powell, University of Notre Dame.
12pm-1pm: Lunch Session III 1-1:30 Karen Alter, Northwestern University. “The Judicialization of International Politics.” Discussant: Mary Ellen O’Connell, University of Notre Dame 1:30-2 Michael Allen, Cornell University. “Pocketful of Mumbles? International Courts as Authoritarian Signaling Devices.” Discussant: Karen Alter, Northwestern University 2-2:30 Xinyuan Dai and Jason Renn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Why Commit to International Human Rights Treaties?” Discussant: Ian Hurd, Northwestern University
2:30pm-3pm: Coffee break Session IV 3-3:30 Barbara Koremenos, University of Michigan. “An Economic Analysis of International Rulemaking.” Discussant: Xinyuan Dai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3:30-4 Sidra Hamidi, Northwestern University. “The Politics of Nuclearity: Identity Relations in 21st Century Nuclear Politics.” Discussant: Rita Konaev, University of Notre Dame 6:30pm Dinner at Café Navarre (for invited participants)