"Engaging Justice in South Africa" by Center for Civil and Human Rights


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Engaging Justice in South Africa

Two Events Today

I Thursday, April 14 I

CCHR Conversation

Engaging South African Constitutional Justice

Thursday April 14, 12:30 P.M./ 1130 Eck Hall of Law/ Lunch Will Be Served

An extraordinary gathering of Notre Dame alumni, South African graduates of the L.L.M. Program in International Human Rights Law, will discuss South Africa's transformative constitutionalism and the country's continuing pursuit of social justice. Participating in the conversation will be:

Mbuyiseli Madlanga, L.L.M. '90 Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa

Vinodh Jaichand,L.L.M. '88, J.S.D. '96 Dean of the Law School at the University of Witwatersrand

Judith Cohen, L.L.M. '95 International Coordinating Commitee Liaison Officer, South African Human Rights Comission

Jacquie Cassette, L.L.M. '95 Director of the Pro Bono and Human Rights pratice at Cliffe Dekker Hofneyr

Garth Meintjes L.L.M. '91, J.S.D '05 President of PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law

Moderator: Christine Venter, L.L.M. '93, J.S.D '95 Director of the Notre Dame Legal Writing Program

Clynes Lecture Judging According to Personal Attributes:

Tension with the Oath of Office?

Thursday, April 14 I 5:30 P.M. I 1130 Eck Hall of Law I Reception To Follow

Mbuyiseli Madlanga, L.L.M. '90 a Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the Judge James J. Clynes, Jr. Visiting Chair in the Ethics of Litigation within the Judicial Process, will deliver the Clynes Chair Lecture at Notre Dame Law School

Justice Madlanga will address issues of diversity on the bench, and discuss the various implications for transforming the makeup of a court- both its effect on the judicial decision-making and on the institution itself.

undergraduates welcome. Learn more at humanrights.nd.edu/southafrica

