The Symposium will examine Justice Scalia's contributions to the field of Federal Courts. Our distinguished contributors, many of whom clerked for the Justice, will discuss Justice Scalia's theory of constitutional and statutory interpretation, his judicial application of those theories, and his vision of the constitutional division of power.
Panel One - Originalism
- Amy Coney Barrett, Notre Dame Law School
- Michael D. Ramsey, San Diego School of Law
Panel Two - Statutory Interpretation
- Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Vanderbilt Law School
- Kevin C. Walsh, Richmond School of Law
- Alan J. Meese, William & Mary Law School
Keynote Address
- Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Panel Three - Issues of Constitutional Interpretation
- Abbe R. Gluck, Yale Law School
- Anthony J. Bellia, Jr., Notre Dame Law School
- William K. Kelley, Notre Dame Law School