The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty
Book Chapter
Richarc W. Garnett, The Freedom of the Church:(Toward) and Exposition, Translation, and Defense, in The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty 39 (Micah Schwartzman, Chad Flanders, & Zoe Robinson, eds., 2016)
This chapter is part of a collection that reflects the increased interest in, and attention to, the corporate, communal, and institutional dimensions of religious freedom. In addition to summarizing and re-stating claims made by the author in earlier work – claims having to do with, among other things, church-state separation, the no-establishment rule, legal and social pluralism, and the structural role played by religious and other institutions – the Article responds to several leading lines of criticism and attempts to strengthen the argument that the idea of “the freedom of the church” (or something like it) is not a relic or anachronism but instead remains a crucial component of any plausible and attractive account of religious freedom under and through constitutionally limited government. It also includes suggestions for some workable and – it is hoped – faithful translations of it for use in present-day cases, doctrine, and conversations.
The Article’s proposal is that “the freedom of the church” is still-important, even if very old, idea. It is not entirely out of place – even if it does not seem to fit neatly – in today’s constitutional-law and law-and-religion conversations. If it can be retrieved and translated, then it should, not out of nostalgia or reaction, but so that the law will better identify and protect the things that matter.
Publication Date
Oxford University Press
New York
religious liberty, expansion of religious liberty, corporate religious liberty, Catholic Church
Law | Religion Law
Recommended Citation
Garnett, Richard W., "The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty" (2016). Books. 261.
1st edition