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12 Notre Dame Law. 109 (1937).


The drill of research generally goes down just far enough to reach the oil of a controlling precedent and not an inch beyond. It is difficult to convince the average American lawyer that the perspective of his profession has changed since his school days, that it is still changing, and that the shift will soon take the direction of a revolution unless we immediately and deliberately re-anchor ourselves to the good earth of fixed first principles. With natural rights and judicial review subtracted from our American system, foreign news accounts of "Mercy Deaths," "Blood Purges," "Forced Labor," "Property Confiscation," "Aryan Supremacy," and "Suppression of Religion" will immediately assume something more than an academic interest for us. At that point we can but pray for a child-like faith in that old maxim of absolutism which says that the King can do no wrong.


Reprinted with permission of Notre Dame Law Review (previously Notre Dame Lawyer).

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Jurisprudence Commons



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