"John Copeland Nagle: A Man for All Seasons" by Patricia O'Hara

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97 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 1 (2022).


Many fine law schools have faculty members who are outstanding teachers, preeminent scholars, and generous colleagues. Few law schools are as blessed as we were at Notre Dame to have someone as singular as John Copeland Nagle—a person who was all those things professionally, but who was also a man without self-serving ego or guile; a man possessed of a moral compass that made him "true north" to so many of us; a person who consistently acted out of charity in an effort to do the right thing in all things.

John was genuine, authentic, self-giving, and humble with every person with whom he was in relationship. John lived with one face in my mind, the face of Jesus Christ. He searched to see Christ in everyone whom he met, even the most difficult; he strove to be Christlike to all whom he encountered. John called each of us to be our best selves. Like Thomas More, the lawyer-saint depicted in stained glass in our chapel, John was the law's good servant, but God's first.


Special Issue, John Copeland Nagle, A Tribute

Reprinted with permission of the Notre Dame Law Review.

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Law Commons



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