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97 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 5 (2022).


I met John in the fall of 2000, when he traveled to Washington to recruit new faculty at the annual hiring conference. Although I was not then on the teaching market, John heard that I intended to enter it in a year or two. He invited me to have coffee to discuss my plans, and so began a friendship that spanned nearly twenty years.

John wore many hats in the course of our relationship: mentor, colleague, co-author, and treasured friend.

Rather than putting his resources into himself, John put them into his family, friends, church, and work. And in each of those contexts, he was fully himself and entirely unselfconscious about who he was. That made him approachable to a wide variety of people. He was as at home with fellow academics as he was with students, with adults as with kids, and with suburban congregations as with the inner-city congregation that he and Lisa attended. John embodied humility. And though he never made himself the center of attention, he became central to our lives anyway. John has now departed on his greatest journey, and those of us left behind miss him deeply.


Special Issue, John Copeland Nagle, A Tribute

Reprinted with permission of the Notre Dame Law Review.

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Law Commons



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