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71 Notre Dame L. Rev. 557 (1996).


Ed Murphy taught more Notre Dame law students than any other professor in the history of the University. To his students, he was more than a teacher; he was mentor and even legend. A mainstay at the Law School, Professor Murphy died in July of last year at the age of sixty-eight.

I was privileged to be his student, his colleague and his friend. I miss him very much. We all do. But, of course, his example lives on. He continues to be a part of the great Notre Dame spirit. Our recently appointed contracts professor tells me that every time she enters the classroom, she feels his presence. Even though she never met him, he inspires her as he has so many of us. May it always be so at the law school of Our Lady whom Ed Murphy loved so much.


Reprinted with permission of the Notre Dame Law Review.



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