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10 Rutgers L. Rev. 219 (1955).
The survey year seems, as far as the law of Insurance in New Jersey is concerned, to have been more portentous than eventful. Across the river in New York, it has been decided that a company may be a partial subscriber to a rating bureau. Now, another company is attempting, with at least partial success, to write certain types of fire insurance there at 20% less than the bureau rate. These inroads on the bureau structure in New York will certainly have an effect throughout the country in the years to come. But what came to New York with a shout will probably come to New Jersey with a whisper. It is not in the nature of things for the same warriors to fight the same battle forty-eight times over with undiminished verve.
Recommended Citation
Robert E. Rodes,
Insurance (Annual Survey of the Law of New Jersey, 1954-55),
10 Rutgers L. Rev. 219 (1955)..
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