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24 Notre Dame Law. 114 (1948-1949).


United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc., et al. involves a consideration by the Supreme Court of The United States of the guilt of a vast segment of the nation-wide movie industry of a district court conviction of re- straining and monopolizing interstate trade in the distribution and exhibition of films. Not only were the violations of the Sherman Act by the largest moving picture film distributors of the country in issue, but a more difficult problem, that of what to do about the violations, was presented to the Supreme Court for its consideration.

From a reading of the majority opinion in this case written by Mr. Justice Douglas, it is apparent that the Court had little difficulty in upholding the district court's finding of many Sherman Act violations then existent in the routine procedures necessary eventually to bring films from the producer's stage to the local cinema. Mr. Justice Frankfurter, dissenting in this case, agreed completely with the majority that the district court should be affirmed in its findings of Sherman Act violations but could not agree with the majority's view as to what should or should not be done about these violations.


Reprinted with permission of Notre Dame Law Review (previously Notre Dame Lawyer).



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