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16 B. Br. 221 (1939-1940)


The impact of the war will inevitably produce vast and profound, if not revolutionary changes in our economic and political arrangements, putting in jeopardy our democratic way of life. The ominous shadow of these changes that press upon us, due to the ascendancy of Force in so large a part of the world, gives rise to the question: What can we do about it? More particularly: What can the lawyer, as a lawyer, do about it? That leads to the deeper question of the role of Law in the successful functioning of the democratic process. In every state and city, the organized bar should sponsor organized study and discussion of the actual workings of the Law, of the causes of popular dissatisfaction, of the possibilities of improvement; and so activate the profession, arouse it to a full sense of its responsibilities and spur it on to do what must be done.



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