"Introduction" by Joseph O'Meara

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39 Notre Dame Law. 623 (1964).


A symposium was held on February 29, 1964, devoted to the constitutional amendments proposed by the Council of State Governments. Very briefly these amendments would (1) vest power to amend the Constitution in State legislatures; (2) set up a "Court of the Union," composed of the chief justice of the supreme court of each of the 50 states, which would have authority to review "any judgment of the Supreme Court relating to the rights reserved to the states or to the people by this Constitution"; (3) take from the federal courts all jurisdiction over the apportionment of representation in State legislatures.

The net effect of these proposed amendments, if adopted and held valid, would be to establish the principle of minority rule in this Country. It would enable State legislators representing a minority of the Nation's voters—a minority living in the less populated areas of the Country—to make the most drastic changes in our governmental system.



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