Volume 11, Issue 2 (1997) Symposium on Entitlements
Welfare Dynamics and the 1996 Welfare Reform
Greg J. Duncan and Gretchen Caspary
Welfare in America: What Is Being Reformed
Cheryl Sullivan
What Is Work For - A Catholic Ethical Response to a Crucial Issue in U.S. Welfare Reform
Christine Firer Hinze
Don't Look to Us: The Negative Responses of the Churches to Welfare Reform
Stanley W. Carlson-Thies
The Popes and the Economy
Francis Canavan
Entitlements and Catholic Social Teachings
Arthur F. McGovern
Entitlements: Unintended Paradoxes of the Generous State
James V. Schall
Commonweal or Woe - The Ethics of Welfare Reform
William R. O'Neill
Rights of Entitlement: A Roman Catholic Perspective
Kenneth R. Himes
The Modern State as an Occasion of Sin: A Public Choice Analysis of the Welfare State
Jennifer Roback Morse
From Subsidiarity to Subsidies: America's Catholic Bishops Re-Orient Their Teaching on Society and Entitlements, 1966-1986
Michael Warner
Benefit Tourism and Welfare Reform in the United Kingdom
Andrew J. Bettwy