"The Priority of the Person: Some Critical Challenges Facing Internatio" by Paolo G. Carozza

Document Type

Book Chapter

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Publication Information

in Key Challenges to the Global System: Thoughts, Ideas, and Essays 87 (Vittorio E. Parsi and Andrea Locatelli eds., 2007).


From the Introduction

One of the great pleasures for me of teaching regularly at ASERI has been the chance to interact with a marvellous cross-section of young people from all of Europe and beyond. In them I have found a hope, enthusiasm, openness and dynamism that transcends their languages and nationalities. One can only hope that they will keep those qualities alive as they are called to face the challenges that the world of international affairs will bring to their generation, demands that will be as multifaceted and cross-cultural as they themselves are. Many of the issues that they will be called to face will undoubtedly present themselves in the context of debates about human rights, because for better or worse the idea and the language of human rights have become the principal framework for global discourse about basic problems of justice and human dignity. Among the principal questions confronting international human rights in the near future, I expect that four will stand out and pervade the field: the role and legitimacy of international institutions; the relationship of international law and politics to more local communities; the interaction between religion and human rights; and the difficulties posed by new technologies, especially those that expand our capacity to manipulate human life itself.
