Articles from 2013
The Convergence of International Trade and Investment Arbitration, Roger P. Alford
12 Santa Clara J. Int'l L. 35 (2013)
The Federal Reserve’s Use of International Swap Lines, Colleen Baker
55 Ariz. L. Rev. 603 (2013)
The Federal Reserve's Supporting Role Behind Dodd-Frank's Clearinghouse Reforms, Colleen M. Baker
3 Harv. Bus. L. Rev. Online 177 (2013)
Precedent and Jurisprudential Disagreement, Amy Coney Barrett
91 Tex. L. Rev. 1711 (2012-2013)
A Room of One's Own? Accessory Dwelling Unit Reforms and Local Parochialism, Margaret F. Brinig and Nicole Stelle Garnett
45 Urban Lawyer 519-569 (2013)
Revisiting Mary Ann Glendon: Abortion, Divorce, Dependency, and Rights Talk in Western Law, Margaret F. Brinig and Linda C. McClain
Revisiting Mary Ann Glendon: Divorce, Dependency, and Rights Talk in Western Law, in SOLIDARITIES BETWEEN GENERATIONS 350 (Hugues Fulchiron, ed. 2013)
General Law in Federal Court, Bradford R. Clark and Anthony J. Bellia
54 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 655 (2012-2013)
Carolene Products and Constitutional Structure, Barry Cushman
Sup. Ct. Rev. 321 (2012)
Court-Packing and Compromise, Barry Cushman
29 Const. Comment. 1 (2013)
The Court-Packing Plan as Symptom, Casualty, and Cause of Gridlock, Barry Cushman
88 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2089 (2013).
A Response to Harel, Hope, and Schwartz, John Finnis
8 Jrslm. Rev. Legal Stud. 147 (2013)
The Priority of Persons Revisited, John Finnis
58 Am. J. Juris. 45 (2013)
Foreclosure Echo: How Abandoned Foreclosures are Re-Entering the Market Through Debt Buyers, Judy Fox
26 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 25 (2013-2014)
The Psychology of Competition: A Social Comparison Perspective, Stephen M. Garcia, Avishalom Tor, and Tyrone M. Schiff
8 Persp. Psych. Sci. 634 (2013)
Neutrality and the Good of Religious Freedom: An Appreciative Response to Professor Koppelman, Richard W. Garnett
39 Pepp. L. Rev. 1149 (2011-2013)
'The Freedom of the Church': (Towards) an Exposition, Translation, and Defense, Richard W. Garnett
21 J. Contemp. Legal Issues, (2013 Forthcoming)
How Did RGGI Do It? Political Economy and Emissions Auctions, Bruce R. Huber
40 Ecology L.Q. 59 (2013)
Restricting Testamentary Freedom: Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Justifications, Daniel B. Kelly
82 Fordham L. Rev. 1125 (2013)
A Continuum In Remedies: Reconnecting Vacant Houses to the Market, James J. Kelly Jr.
33 St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 109 (2013)
Sharing the Wealth, James J. Kelly Jr.
22 J. Affordable Housing and Community Dev. L.21 (2013)
Settled Versus Right: Constitutional Method and the Path of Precedent, Randy J. Kozel
91 Tex. L. Rev. 1843 (2012-2013)
Precedent and Reliance, Randy J. Kozel
62 Emory L.J. 1459 (2013)
Good Faith and Narrow Tailoring in Fisher, Jennifer Mason McAward
59 Loy. L. Rev. 77 (2013)
McCulloch and the Thirteenth Amendment, Jennifer Mason McAward
112 Colum. L. Rev. 1769 (2012)
The Confident Court, Jennifer Mason McAward
47 Loy. L. A. L. Rev. 379 (2013-2014)
Fixing Copyright in Three Impossible Steps: Review of How to Fix Copyright by William Patry, Mark McKenna
39 J.C. & U.L. 715 (2013) (book review)
Confusion Isn't Everything, Mark McKenna and William McGeveran
89 Notre Dame L. Rev. 253 (2013).
Progress and Competition in Design, Mark McKenna and Katherine J. Strandburg
17 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 1-52 (2013)
Green Harms of Green Projects, John Copeland Nagle
27 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol'y 59 (2013).
Site-Specific Laws, John Copeland Nagle
88 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2167 (2013).
Statutes in Common Law Courts, Jeffrey Pojanowski
91 Texas L. Rev. 479 (2013)
Legal Thought in Enlightenment’s Wake, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
4 Juris. 158 (2013).
Overcoming Overcriminalization, Stephen Smith
102 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 537 (2013)
Living in CAFA's World, Jay Tidmarsh
32 Rev. Litig. 691 (2013)
Superiority as Unity, Jay Tidmarsh
107 Nw. U. L. Rev. 565 (2012-2013)
Fiduciary Duties and Fiduciary Outs, Julian Velasco
21 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 157 (2013)
Articles from 2012
A Broken Windows Theory of International Corruption, Roger P. Alford
73 Ohio St. L.J. 1253 (2012)
The Federal Reserve as Last Resort, Colleen Baker
46 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 69 (2012-2013)
The Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act: Do We Really Want to Return to American Banana?, Joseph P. Bauer
65 Me. L. Rev. 3 (2012-2013)
The Law of Nations as Constitutional Law, Anthony J. Bellia and Bradford R. Clark
98 Va. L. Rev. 729 (2012)
PCAOB and the Persistence of the Removal Puzzle, Patricia L. Bellia
80 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1371 (2011-2012)
WikiLeaks and the Institutional Framework for National Security Disclosures, Patricia L. Bellia
121 Yale L.J. 1448 (2012)
Mandatory Minimums: Fine in Principle, Inexcusable When Mindless, G. Robert Blakey
Law and the Culture of Marriage, Gerard V. Bradley
Same-Sex Marriage: Our Final Answer, Gerard V. Bradley
Explaining Abuse of the Disabled Child, Margaret F. Brinig
46 Fam. L.Q. 269 (2012)
Child Support Guidelines and Divorce Incentives, Margaret F. Brinig and Douglas W. Allen
32 Int'l Rev. of L. & Econ. 309 (2012)
Catholic Schools, Charter Schools, and Urban Neighborhoods, Margaret F. Brinig and Nicole Stelle Garnett
79 U. Chi. L. Rev. 31 (2012)
The Catholic Church, Human Rights, and Democracy: Convergence and Conflict with the Modern State, Paolo G. Carozza and Daniel Philpott
15 Logos: A J. Catholic Thought & Culture 15 (2012)
Foreword, John J. Coughlin
The Hughes-Roberts Visit, Barry Cushman
15 Green Bag 2D 125 (2012)
The Limits of the New Deal Analogy, Barry Cushman
15 Green Bag 2D 139 (2012)
The Man on the Flying Trapeze, Barry Cushman
15 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 183 (2012)
Arthur Soden's Legacy: The Origins and Early History of Baseball's Reserve System, Edmund P. Edmonds
5 Alb. Gov't L. Rev. 38 (2012)
The American Worker, Barbara J. Fick
The Changing Face of the American Workplace, Barbara J. Fick
Coexisting Normative Orders? Yes, but No, John M. Finnis
57 Am. J. Juris. 111 (2012)
Natural Law Theory: Its Past and Its Present, John M. Finnis
57 Am. J. Juris. 81 (2012)
Do We Have a Debt Collection Crisis? Some Cautionary Tales of Debt Collection in Indiana, Judith Fox
24 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 355 (2011-2012)
Are Charters Enough Choice? School Choice and the Future of Catholic Schools, Nicole Stelle Garnett
87 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1891 (2012).
Managing the Urban Commons, Nicole Stelle Garnett
160 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1995 (2011-2012)
The People Paradox, Nicole Stelle Garnett
2012 U. Ill. L. Rev. 43 (2012)
Christian Witness, Moral Anthropology, and the Death Penalty, Richard W. Garnett
When Things Go Wrong in the Clinic: How to Prevent and Respond to Serious Student Misconduct, Robert Jones, Gerard F. Glynn, and John J. Francis
41 U. Balt. L. Rev. 441 (2011-2012)
Cloning and Positive Liberty, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Justice Antonin Scalia and the Long Game, William K. Kelley
80 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1601 (2012)
Toward Economic Analysis of the Uniform Probate Code, Daniel B. Kelly
45 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 855 (2011-2012)
Inclusionary Housing on a Global Basis, James J. Kelly Jr.
20 J. Affordable Hous. & Cmty. Dev. L. 261 (2012) (book review)
Free Speech and Parity: A Theory of Public Employee Rights, Randy J. Kozel
53 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1985 (2011-2012)
The Rule of Law and the Perils of Precedent, Randy J. Kozel
111 Mich. L. Rev. First Impressions 37 (2012)
Derivation of Positive from Natural Law Revisited, Santiago Legarre
57 Am. J. Juris. 103 (2012)
The Times - They Are Changing, David T. Link
Nonprofits, Politics, and Privacy, Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
62 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 801 (2011-2012)
The "Independent" Sector: Fee-for-Service Charity and the Limits of Autonomy, Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
65 Vand. L. Rev. 51 (2012)
Defining the Badges and Incidents of Slavery, Jennifer Mason McAward
14 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 561 (2011-2012)
A Consumer Decision-Making Theory of Trademark Law, Mark McKenna
98 Va. L. Rev. 67 (2012)
Dastar's Next Stand, Mark McKenna
19 J. Intell. Prop. L. 357 (2011-2012)
(Dys)Functionality, Mark McKenna
48 Hous. L. Rev. 823 (2011-2012)
Is Pepsi Really a Substitute for Coke? Market Definition in Antitrust and IP, Mark McKenna
100 Geo. L.J. 2055 (2011-2012)
What Hath Lynn White Wrought?, John C. Nagle
2 Fare Forward 44 (2012)
Cell Phone Towers as Visual Pollution, John Copeland Nagle
Adhering to Law and Values Against Terrorism, Mary Ellen O'Connell
2 Notre Dame J. Int'l & Comp. L. 289 (2012).
Cyber Security without Cyber War, Mary Ellen O'Connell
17 J. Conflict & Sec. L. 187 (2012)
What is Aggression?: Comparing the Jus ad Bellum and the ICC Statute, Mary Ellen O'Connell and Mirakmal Niyazmatov
10 J. Int'l Crim. Just. 189 (2012)
Whither Civic Virtue, Walter F. Pratt Jr.
Abortion, Euthanasia, and the Need to Build a New Culture of Life, Charles E. Rice
Crime, Culpability, and Excuses, John Robinson
Religious Discourse and the Reinvigoration of American Political Life, John Robinson
Why an Acceptable Cloning Policy Will Be Hard to Achieve, John Robinson
Adolescence, Choice, and Punishment, John H. Robinson
Corporate Social Responsibility, John H. Robinson
Dedication, John H. Robinson
Dedication, John H. Robinson
Ethics and the Line-Item Veto, John H. Robinson
Physician Assisted Suicide: A Constitutional Crisis Resolved, John H. Robinson
Physician Assisted Suicide: Its Challenge to the Prevailing Constitutional Paradigm, John H. Robinson
Why Schooling is so Controversial in America Today, John H. Robinson
Foreword, Robert E. Rodes Jr.
Homelessness, Robert E. Rodes Jr.