Articles from 2007
The Ban on the Bomb – and Bombing: Iran, the U.S., and the International Law of Self-Defense, Mary Ellen O'Connell and Maria Alevras-Chenl
57 Syracuse L. Rev. 497 (2007)
On Lawyers and Moral Discernment, Robert E. Rodes
46 J. Cath. Leg. Stud. 259 (2007)
On Professors and Poor People - A Jurisprudential Memoir, Robert E. Rodes
22 J. L. & Religion 527 (2006-2007)
The Canon of American Legal Thought, Robert E. Rodes
52 Am. J. Juris. 319 (2007) (book review)
Pilgrim Law: Overcoming False Consciousness through the Witness of London's Economic Migrants, Vincent D. Rougeau
22 J. L. & Religion 489 (2006-2007)
Aging America, Thomas L. Shaffer
21 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol'y 295 (2007).
A Search for Balance in the Whirlwind of Law School: Spirituality from Law Teachers, Thomas L. Shaffer
51 St. Louis U. L.J. 1191 (2006-2007)
The Gift of Milner Ball, Thomas L. Shaffer
41 Ga. L. Rev. 903 (2006-2007)
"Technical" Defenses: Ethics, Morals, and the Lawyer as Friend, Thomas L. Shaffer and Robert F. Cochran Jr.
14 Clinical L. Rev. 337 (2007-2008)
Neuroimaging and the "Complexity" of Capital Punishment, O. Carter Snead
82 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1265 (2007)
Unenumerated Rights and the Limits of Analogy: A Critque of the Right to Medical Self-Defense, O. Carter Snead
121 Harv. L. Rev. F. 1 (2007-2008)
Finding Room for State Class Actions in a Post-CAFA World: The Case of the Counterclaim Class Action, Jay Tidmarsh
35 W. St. U. L. Rev. 193 (2007-2008)
Comment: On Contractual Defaults and Experimental Law and Economics, Avishalom Tor
163 J. Inst. & Theoretical Econ. 26 (2007)
Rankings, Standards, and Competition: Task vs. Scale Comparisions, Avishalom Tor and Stephen M. Garcia
102 Org. Behav. & Hum. Decision Processes 95 (2007)
Taking Shareholder Rights Seriously, Julian Velasco
41 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 605 (2007-2008)
Articles from 2006
Four Mistakes in the Debate on "Outsourcing Authority", Roger P. Alford
69 Alb. L. Rev. 653 (2006)
Reflections on US - Zeroing: A Study in Judicial Overreaching by the WTO Appellate Body, Roger P. Alford
45 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 196 (2006)
Foreign Relations as a Matter of Interpretation: The Use and Abuse of Charming Betsy, Roger P. Alford
67 Ohio St. L.J. 1339 (2006)
The Supervisory Power of the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett
106 Colum. L. Rev. 324 (2006)
Refusals to Deal with Competitors by Owners of Patents and Copyrights: Reflections on the Image Technical and Xerox Decisions, Joseph P. Bauer
55 DePaul L. Rev. 1211 (2005-2006)
Congressional Power and State Court Jurisdiction, Anthony J. Bellia
94 Geo. L.J. 949 (2005-2006)
State Courts and the Interpretation of Federal Statutes, Anthony J. Bellia
59 Vand. L. Rev. 1501 (2006)
Penalty Defaults in Family Law: The Case of Child Custody, Margaret F. Brinig
33 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 779 (2005-2006)
Defending Human Rights in the "War" Against Terror, Douglass Cassel
4 Regent J. Intl' L. 223 (2006)
Washington's "War Against Terrorism" and Human Rights: The View from Abroad, Douglass Cassel
33 Hum. Rts. 11 (2006)
Tradition and Development in the Catholic Church's Teaching on Marriage: A Response to Cardinal Trujillo, John J. Coughlin
4 Ave Maria L. Rev. 567 (2006)
Religion and State: Some Main Issues and Sources, John M. Finnis
51 Am. J. Juris. 107 (2006)
The Secret Sharers: "Anthony Rivers" and the Appellant Controversy, 1601-2, John M. Finnis and Patrick Martin
69 Huntington Libr. Q. 195 (2006)
The Neglected Political Economy of Eminent Domain, Nicole Stelle Garnett
105 Mich. L. Rev. 101 (2006-2007)
Personal Reflections on the Chief, Richard W. Garnett
10 Tex. Rev. L. & Pol. 283 (2006)
Chief Justice Rehnquist's Enduring Democratic Constitution, Richard W. Garnett
29 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 395 (2006)
Introduction: Religion, Division, and the Constitution, Richard W. Garnett
15 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 1 (2006)
Religion, Division, and the First Amendment, Richard W. Garnett
94 Geo. L.J. 1667 (2005-2006)
William H. Rehnquist: A Life Lived Greatly, and Well, Richard W. Garnett
115 Yale L.J. 1847 (2006)
Lawmaking by Public Welfare Professionals, Gerald Jogerst, Jeanette Daly, Jeffrey Dawson, Gretchen Schmuch, and Margaret F. Brinig
5 Whittier J. Child. & Fam. Advoc. 57 (2005-2006)
Prophecy and Casuistry: Abortion, Torture and Moral Discourse, M. Cathleen Kaveny
51 Vill. L. Rev. 499 (2006)
The "Public Use" Requirement in Eminent Domain Law: A Rationale Based on Secret Purchases and Private Influence, Daniel B. Kelly
92 Cornell L. Rev. 1 (2006-2007)
"We Shall Not Be Moved": Urban Communities, Eminent Domain and the Socioeconomics of Just Compensation, James J. Kelly
80 St. John's L. Rev. 923 (2006)
The Tax Code as Nationality Law, Michael S. Kirsch
43 Harv. J. on Legis. 375 (2006)
The Federal Constitutional Court: Guardian of German Democracy, Donald P. Kommers
603 Annals of Am. Acad. of Pol. & Soc. Sci. 111 (2006)
Intellectual Property, Privatization and Democracy: A Response to Professor Rose, Mark P. McKenna
50 St. Louis U. L.J. 829 (2005-2006)
The Rehnquist Court and the Groundwork for Greater First Amendment Scrutiny of Intellectual Property, Mark P. McKenna
21 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 11 (2006)
Rules of Evidence for the Use of Force in International Law's New Era, Mary Ellen O'Connell
100 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 44 (2006)
Judicial Activism and Its Critics, Kermit Roosevelt and Richard W. Garnett
155 U. Pa. L. Rev. PENNumbra 112 (2006)
Roman Catholic Lawyers in the United States of America, Thomas L. Shaffer
21 J. L. & Religion 305 (2005-2006)
The Democratic Virtues, Our Common Life and the Common School: Trust in Democracy: Anabaptists, Italian Americans, and Solidarity, Thomas L. Shaffer
21 J. L. & Religion 413 (2005-2006)
A Theory of Federal Common Law, Jay Tidmarsh
100 Nw. U. L. Rev. 585 2006
Pound's Century, and Ours, Jay Tidmarsh
81 Notre Dame L. Rev. 513 (2006).
"The Dean Of Chicago's Black Lawyers": Earl Dickerson And Civil Rights Lawyering In The Years Before Brown, Jay Tidmarsh and Stephen Robinson
93 Va. L. Rev. 1355 2007
Ranks and Rivals: A Theory of Competition, Avishalom Tor, Stephen M. Garcia, and Richard Gonzalez
32 Pers. & Soc. Psychol. Bull. 970 (2006)
The Fundamental Rights of the Shareholder, Julian Velasco
40 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 407 (2006-2007)
Articles from 2005
Arbitrating Human Rights, Roger P. Alford
99 Am. Soc'y Int'l. L. Proc. 233 (2005)
In Search of a Theory for Constitutional Comparativism, Roger P. Alford
52 UCLA L. Rev. 639 (2005)
Roper v. Simmons and Our Constitution in International Equipoise, Roger P. Alford
53 UCLA L. Rev. 1 (2005-2006)
Statutory Stare Decisis in the Courts of Appeals, Amy Coney Barrett
73 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 317 (2004-2005)
The SEC and Accounting, In Part through the Eyes of Pacioli, Matthew J. Barrett
80 Notre Dame L. Rev. 837 (2005).
State Courts and the Making of Federal Common Law, Anthony J. Bellia
153 U. Pa. L. Rev. 825 (2004-2005)
Spyware and the Limits of Surveillance Law, Patricia L. Bellia
20 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1283 (2005)
Legislative Responses to Terrorism: A View from Britain, Geoffrey Bennett
109 Penn St. L. Rev. 947 (2005)
Response to Endicott: The Case of the Wise Electrician, Gerard V. Bradley
50 Am. J. Juris. 257 (2005)
Does Parental Autonomy Require Equal Custody at Divorce?, Margaret F. Brinig
65 La. L. Rev. (2005)
Unhappy Contracts: The Case of Divorce Settlements, Margaret F. Brinig
1 Rev. L. & Econ. 241 (2005)
Introduction and Postscript: Partial Progress on UN Reform, Douglass Cassel
4 Nw. Univ. J. Int'l Hum. Rts. 1 (2005-2006)
Shopping For Law in a Coasean Market, G. Marcus Cole
1 N.Y.U. J.L. & Liberty 111 (2005)
Sacrifice, the Common Good, and the Catholic Lawyer, John J. Coughlin
3 U. St. Thomas L. J. 6 (2005-2006)
Some Varieties and Vicissitudes of Lochnerism, Barry Cushman
85 B.U. L. Rev. 881 (2005)
Time is Money--But is it Compensable Work? An Analysis of IBP, Inc. v. Alvarez, Barbara J. Fick
2005-2006 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 18 (2005-2006)
Foundations of Practical Reason Revisited, John M. Finnis
50 Am. J. Juris. 109 (2005)
Profit Maximization versus Disadvantageous Inequality: The Impact of Self-Categorization, Stephen M. Garcia, Avishalom Tor, Max H. Bazerman, and Dale T. Miller
18 J. Behav. Decision Making 187 (2005)
Relocating Disorder, Nicole Stelle Garnett
91 Va. L. Rev. 1075 (2005)
Changing Minds: Proselytism, Freedom, and the First Amendment, Richard W. Garnett
2 U. St. Thomas L. J. 453 (2004-2005)
Jaycees Reconsidered: Judge Richard S. Arnold and the Freedom of Association, Richard W. Garnett
58 Ark. L. Rev. 587 (2005-2006)
Bush v. Holmes: School Vouchers, Religious Freedom, and State Constitutions, Richard W. Garnett and Christopher S. Pearsall
17 Educ. & the L. 173 (2005)
User Surveys: Libraries Ask, "Hey, How Am I Doing?", Dwight B. King
97 Law Libr. J. 103 (2005)
The Congressional Response to Corporate Expatriations: The Tension Between Symbols and Substance in the Taxation of Multinational Corporations, Michael Kirsch
24 Va. Tax Rev. 475 (2004-2005)
The Right of Publicity and Autonomous Self-Definition, Mark P. McKenna
67 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 225 (2005-2006)
The Spiritual Values of Wilderness, John C. Nagle
35 Envtl. L. 955 (2005)
Affirming the Ban on Harsh Interrogation, Mary Ellen O'Connell
66 Ohio St. L.J. 1231 (2005)
Enhancing the Status of Non-State Actors Through a Global War on Terror?, Mary Ellen O'Connell
43 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 435 (2005)
The Counter-Reformation of the Security Council, Mary Ellen O'Connell
2 J. Int'l L. & Int'l Rel. 107 (2005)
When Is a War Not a War? The Myth of the Global War on Terror, Mary Ellen O'Connell
12 ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L. 535 (2005-2006)
Rights and the Need for Objective Moral Limits, Charles E. Rice
3 Ave Maria L. Rev. 259 (2005)
A Tribute to Frederic L. Kirgis, Thomas L. Shaffer
62 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 867 (2005)
In the Mountain/Green Eggheads and Old Hams, Thomas L. Shaffer
29 Legal Stud. F. 561 (2005)
The "Lone Wolf" Amendment and the Future of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Law, Patricia E. Simone and Patricia L. Bellia
50 Vill. L. Rev. 425 (2005)
Proportionality and Federalization, Stephen F. Smith
91 Va. L. Rev. 879 (2005)
Dynamic Complementarity: Terri's Law and Separation of Powers Principles in the End-of-Life Context, O. Carter Snead
57 Fla. L. Rev. 53 (2005)
Preparing the Groundwork for a Responsible Debate on Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning, O. Carter Snead
39 New Eng. L. Rev. 479 (2004-2005)
The Pedagogical Significance of the Bush Stem Cell Policy: A Window into Bioethical Regulation in the United States (President George W. Bush, Fifth Anniversary Essay Collection), O. Carter Snead
5 Yale J. Health Pol'y L. & Ethics 491 (2005)
The (Surprising) Truth about Schiavo: A Defeat for the Cause of Autonomy, O. Carter Snead
22 Const. Comment. 383 (2005)
Articles from 2004
Report to Law Revision Commission Regarding Recommendations for Changes to California Arbitration Law, Roger P. Alford
4 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 1 (2003)
Misusing International Sources to Interpret the Constituion, Roger P. Alford
98 Am. J. Int'l L. 57 (2004)
Practicing What We Preach: A Call for Progressive Church Taxes, Matthew Barrett
America, March 29, 2004 at 18-20.
"Tax Services" as a Trojan Horse in the Auditor Independence Provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley, Matthew J. Barrett
2004 Mich. St. L. Rev. 463 (2004)
Reflections on the Manifold Means of Enforcing the Antitrust Laws: Too Much, Too Little, or Just Right?, Joseph P. Bauer
16 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 303 (2003-2004)
Defending Cyberproperty, Patricia L. Bellia
79 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 2164 (2004)
Surveillance Law Through Cyberlaw's Lens, Patricia L. Bellia
72 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1375 (2003-2004)
The Role of Socioeconomics in Teaching Family Law, Margaret F. Brinig
41 San Diego L. Rev. 177 (2004)
The Public Choice of Elder Abuse Law, Margaret F. Brinig, Gerald Jogerst, Jeanette Daly, Gretchen Schmuch, and Jeffrey Dawson
33 J. Legal Stud. 517 (2004)
Marry Me, Bill: Should Cohabitation Be the (Legal) Default Option?, Margaret F. Brinig and Steven L. Nock
64 La. L. Rev. (2004)