Articles from 1985
The Supreme Court and the Constitution: The Continuing Debate on Judicial Review, Donald P. Kommers
47 Rev. Pol. 113 (1985) (book review)
Constitutional Law - Moore v. U.S. House of Representatives: A Possible Expansion of Congressmen's Standing to Sue, David T. Link, Jeffrey L. Elverman, and Thomas E. Lange
60 Notre Dame L. Rev. 417 (1985).
For Reconciliation, Andrew W. McThenia and Thomas L. Shaffer
94 Yale L.J. 1661 (1985)
Soviet Prisoners in the Afghan Conflict, Mary Ellen O'Connell
23 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 497 (1985)
A Word for the Common Good, Thomas L. Shaffer
42 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 37 (1985)
Getting Serious About Legal Ethics, Thomas L. Shaffer
54 The Bar Examiner, no. 3 August (1985) at 4-11
On Being Pleasant: Ethics in Estate Planning, Thomas L. Shaffer
19 Inst. on Est. Plan. ¶1500-1503 (1985)
Slippered Feet Aboard the African Queen, Thomas L. Shaffer
3 J.L. & Religion 193 (1985)
Articles from 1984
A Federal Law of Unfair Competition: What Should Be the Reach of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act?, Joseph P. Bauer
31 UCLA L. Rev. 671 (1983-1984)
Conservation, Control and Heritage - Public Law and Portable Antiquities, Geoffrey Bennett and C. Brand
12 Anglo-Am. L. Rev. 141 (1983)
Can Mother Vote in the Union Election? The Board's Authority to Define the Appropriate Bargaining Unit: An Analysis of NLRB v. Action Automotive, Inc., Barbara J. Fick
1984-1985 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 45 (1984-1985)
Labor Racketeering and Labor Law: State Regulation v. Federal Rights: An Analysis of Brown v. Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 54, Barbara J. Fick
1983-1984 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 439 (1983-1984)
Title VII: When Is a Pretext Not a Pretext? An Analysis of Westinghouse Electric Corp. v. Vaughn, Barbara J. Fick
1983-1984 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 495 (1983-1984)
Matching of Costs and Revenues as a Goal of Tax Accounting, Alan Gunn
4 Va. Tax Rev. 1 (1984-1985)
Antitrust Exemptions for Private Requests for Governmental Action: A Critical Analysis of the Noerr-Pennington Doctrine, Earl W. Kintner and Joseph P. Bauer
17 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 549 (1983-1984)
Dean Joseph O'Meara--A Personal Reflection, David T. Link
59 Notre Dame L. Rev. [xix] (1984).
Federal Power over Indians: Its Sources, Scope, and Limitations, Nell Jessup Newton
132 U. Pa. L. Rev. 195 (1984)
Erosion of the Privity Requirement in Section 12(2) of the Securities Act of 1933: The Expanded Meaning, Patricia O'Hara
31 UCLA L. Rev. 921 (1983-1984)
Amniocentesis, Coercion, and Privacy, Charles E. Rice
4 J. Christian Jurisprudence 57 (1984)
Withdrawing Jurisdiction from Federal Courts, Charles E. Rice
7 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 13 (1984)
Moral Implications and Effects of Legal Education Or: Brother Justinian Goes to Law School, Thomas L. Shaffer
34 J. Legal Education 190 (1984)
The Gentleman in Professional Ethics, Thomas L. Shaffer
10 Queen's L.J. 1 (1984)
Articles from 1983
Government Enforcement Policy of Section 7 of the Clayton Act: Carte Blanche for Conglomerate Mergers?, Joseph P. Bauer
71 Cal. L. Rev. 348 (1983)
What Now for the Insanity Defense?, Fernand N. Dutile and Thomas H. Singer
58 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1104 (1983).
Power to Enforce Treaties in Australia -- the High Court Goes Centralist?, John M. Finnis
3 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 126 (1983)
The Responsibilities of the United Kingdom Parliament and Government Under the Australian Constitution, John M. Finnis
9 Adel. L. Rev. 91 (1983-1985)
The Manville Bankruptcy: Treating Mass Tort Claims in Chapter 11 Proceedings, Robert Jones
96 Harv. L. Rev. 1121 (1982-1983)
Union Liability in Fair Representation Suits, Robert Jones
97 Harv. L. Rev 278 (1983-1984)
Afterword: Contracts and Uncertainty, Walter F. Pratt
46 Law & Contemp. Probs. 169 (1983)
Greatness Thrust upon Them: Class Biases in American Law, Robert E. Rodes
28 Am. J. Juris. 1 (1983)
Preface, Thomas L. Shaffer
12 Stetson L. Rev. 551 (1982-1983)
The Legal Ethics of the Two Kingdoms, Thomas L. Shaffer
17 Val. U. L. Rev. 1 (1983)
Articles from 1982
Manual of the Law of Evidence, Geoffrey Bennett
33 N. Ir. Legal Q. 93 (1982) (book review)
RICO Civil Fraud Action in Context: Reflections on Bennett v. Berg, G. Robert Blakey
58 Notre Dame L. Rev. 237 (1982).
Natural Law and the "Is"-"Ought" Question: An Invitation to Professor Veatch, John M. Finnis
26 Cath. Law. 266 (1980-1981)
President's Page, Roger F. Jacobs
75 Law Libr. J. 185 (1982)
Comparative Constitutional Law: Casebooks for a Developing Discipline, Donald P. Kommers
57 Notre Dame Law. 642 (1982)(book review).
Enforcing the Federal-Indian Trust Relationship After Mitchell, Nell Jessup Newton
31 CATH. U.L. REV. 635 (1982)
Congress and the Supreme Court's Jurisdiction, Charles E. Rice
27 Vill. L. Rev. 959 (1981-1982)
Symposium Proceedings: Congressional Limits on Federal Court Jurisdiction, Charles E. Rice
27 Vill. L. Rev. 1042 (1981-1982)
Article V and the Proposed Federal Constitutional Convention Procedures Bills, Kenneth F. Ripple
3 Cardozo L. Rev. 529 (1981 - 1982)
On Clandestine Warfare, Robert E. Rodes
39 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 333 (1982)
Christian Lawyer Stories and American Legal Ethics, Thomas L. Shaffer
33 Mercer L. Rev. 877 (1981-1982)
David Hoffman's Law School Lectures, 1822-1833, Thomas L. Shaffer
32 J. Legal Education 127 (1982)
Four Issues in the Accreditation of Law Schools, Thomas L. Shaffer
32 J. Legal Education 224 (1982)
Moral Theology in Legal Ethics, Thomas L. Shaffer
12 Cap. U. L. Rev. 179 (1982-1983)
The Legal Ethics of Servanthood, Thomas L. Shaffer
8 Soc. Resp.: Journalism L. Med. 34 (1982)
Articles from 1981
The Basic Principles of Natural Law: A Reply to Ralph McInerny, John M. Finnis and Germain Grisez
26 Am. J. Juris. 21 (1981)
American Constitutional Law 1976–1981, Donald P. Kommers, Kenneth Ripple, and John A. Scanlan
30 Jahrbuch des Öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart 457 (1981).
Professional Independence and the Associate in a Law Firm: A French Case Study, Tang Thi Thanh Trai Le
29 Am. J. Comp. L. 647 (1981)
The Vietnamese Refugee and U.S. Law, Tang Thi Thanh Trai Le and Michael J. Esser
56 Notre Dame Law. 656 (1981).
Managing Your Law Office: Improving the quality of lawyers' services to clients, David T. Link
53 New York State Bar Journal 69 (1981)
The Problem of Unjust Laws, Charles E. Rice
26 Cath. Law. 278 (1980-1981)
Four Issues in the Accreditation of Law Schools, Thomas L. Shaffer
59 Wash. U. L. Q. 887 (1981-1982)
Henry Knox and the Moral Theology of Law Firms, Thomas L. Shaffer
38 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 347 (1981)
The Moral Theology of Atticus Finch, Thomas L. Shaffer
42 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 181 (1980-1981)
Effective Assistance of Counsel: In Quest of a Uniform Standard of Review, Theresa L. Springmann and John Eric Smithburn
17 Wake Forest L. Rev. 497 (1981)
Articles from 1980
A Simplified Approach to Tying Arrangements: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Joseph P. Bauer
33 Vand. L. Rev. 283 (1980)
Book Review: Development Control, Geoffrey J. Bennett
51 Town Plan. Rev. 364 (1980).
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO): Basic Concepts - Criminal and Civil Remedies, G. Robert Blakey and Brian Gettings
53 Temp. L.Q. 1009 (1980)
"On the Waterfront": RICO and Labor Racketeering, G. Robert Blakey and Ronald Goldstock
17 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 341 (1979-1980)
Freezing the Status Quo in Criminal Investigations: The Melting of Probable Cause and Warrent Requirements, Fernand N. Dutile
21 B.C. L. Rev. 851 (1979-1980)
The Burden of Proof in Criminal Cases: A Comment on the Mullaney-Patterson Doctrine, Fernand N. Dutile
55 Notre Dame Law. 380 (1980).
The Jurisprudence of Free Speech in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany, Donald P. Kommers
53 S. Cal. L. Rev. 657 (1979-80)
At the Whim of the Sovereign: Aboriginal Title Reconsidered, Nell Jessup Newton
31 HASTINGS L.J. 1215 (1980)
Rhetorical Styles on the Fuller Court, Walter F. Pratt
24 Am. J. Legal Hist. 189 (1980)
The Entanglement Test of the Religion Clauses -- A Ten Year Assessment, Kenneth F. Ripple
27 UCLA L. Rev. 1195 (1979-1980)
Thurgood Marshall and the Forgotten Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education, Kenneth F. Ripple
55 Notre Dame Law. 471 (1980).
World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson: Reflections on the Road Ahead, Kenneth F. Ripple and Mollie A. Murphy
56 Notre Dame Law. 65 (1980).
Serving the Guilty, Thomas L. Shaffer
26 Loy. L. Rev. 71 (1980)
Some Problems in Administration of Justice in a Secularized Society, Thomas L. Shaffer, William McLennon, and Lois G. Forer
31 Mercer L. Rev. 448 (1979-1980)
Articles from 1979
Per Se Illegality of Concerted Refusals to Deal: A Rule Ripe for Reexamination, Joseph P. Bauer
79 Colum L. Rev. 685 (1979)
Abortion—The Female, the Foetus and the Father, Geoffrey J. Bennett and Christina M. Lyon
32 Current Legal Probs. 217 (1979).
Abortion—Whose Decision?, Geoffrey J. Bennett and Christina M. Lyon
9 Fam. L. 35 (1979).
Is an Interest Deduction for Personal Debt a Tax Expenditure?, Alan Gunn
1 Can. Tax'n 46 (1979)
The Case for an Income Tax, Alan Gunn
46 U. Chi. L. Rev. 370 (1978-1979)
Emerging Issues with Respect to Merger Enforcement Standards, Daniel F. Kolb, Edward W. Large, David Boies, Thomas Dieterich, Malcolm R. Pfunder, and Joseph P. Bauer
48 Antitrust L.J. 1639 (1979)
Aussergesetzliche Masstabe in der Rechtspreching des Supreme Court der Vereinigten Staaten, Donald P. Kommers and Kenneth Ripple
26 Zeitschrift für Politik 125 (1979)
State Sovereignty--A Polished But Slippery Crown, Kenneth F. Ripple and Douglas W. Kenyon
54 Notre Dame Law. 745 (1979).
Pluralist Christendom and the Christian Civil Magistrate, Robert E. Rodes
8 Cap. U. L. Rev. 413 (1978-1979)
Advocacy As Moral Discourse, Thomas L. Shaffer
57 N.C. L. Rev. 647 (1978-1979)
The Practice of Law As Moral Discourse, Thomas L. Shaffer
55 Notre Dame Law. 231 (1979).
Legal Counseling and Lawyers' Fees: A Quadrilogue, Thomas L. Shaffer, Louis M. Brown, Robert S. Redmount, and Larry D. Soderquist
65 A.B.A. J. 908 (1979)
Hope in the Life of Thomas More, Thomas L. Shaffer and Stanley Hauerwas
54 Notre Dame Law. 569 (1979).
Articles from 1978
Challenging Conglomerate Mergers Under Section 7 of the Clayton Act: Today's Law and Tomorrow's Legislation, Joseph P. Bauer
58 B.U. L. Rev. 199 (1978)
The Development of the Federal Law of Gambling, G. Robert Blakey and Harold A. Kurland
63 Cornell L. Rev. 923 (1977-78)
The Mistake of Fact Defense and the Reasonableness Requirement, Margaret F. Brinig
2 Int'l Sch. L. Rev. 209 (1977-1978)
Douglas v. Willcuts Today: The Income Tax Problems of Using Alimony Trusts, Alan Gunn
63 Cornell L. Rev. 1022 (1977-78)
Tax Avoidance, Alan Gunn
76 Mich. L. Rev. 733 (1977-1978)
Civil Rights and Legal Order: The Work of A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., Donald P. Kommers and Eugenia S. Schwartz
54 Notre Dame Law. 181 (1978).
Conscientious Objection to Public Education: The Grievance and the Remedies, Charles E. Rice
1978 BYU L.Rev. 847 (1978)
A Lesson from Trollope for Counselors at Law, Thomas L. Shaffer
35 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 727 (1978)
Reassessing Law Schooling: The Sterling Forest Group, Thomas L. Shaffer
53 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 561 (1978)
Truthfulness and Tragedy (Book Review), Thomas L. Shaffer
23 Am. J. Juris. 245 (1978)
Sentencing in Indiana: Appellate Review of the Trial Court's Discretion, John Eric Smithburn
12 Val. U. L. Rev. 219 (1977-1978)
Articles from 1977
Postsecondary Athletics and the Law: A Selected Bibliography, Edmund P. Edmonds
Abortion and Constitution: United States and West Germany, Donald P. Kommers
25 Am. J. Comp. L. 255 (1977)
Taxation of Distributions from Accumulation Trusts: The Impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1976, David T. Link and Michael J. Wahoske
52 Notre Dame Law. 611 (1977).
Studies of Legal Education: A Review of Recent Reports, Thomas L. Shaffer and Robert S. Redmount
1 Nova L.J. 9 (1977)
Articles from 1976
Criminal Redistribution of Stolen Property: The Need for Law Reform, G. Robert Blakey and Michael Goldsmith
74 Mich. L. Rev. 1511 (1975-1976)