Content Posted in 2024
100 Years of Pierce v. Society of Sisters, Notre Dame Law Review
1L Tips and Tricks, Black Law Students Association, First Generation Professionals, Middle Eastern Law Student Association, and Women's Legal Forum
200 Meters, Middle Eastern Law Students Association and Student Voices for Palestine
2023 Advanced Worker's Compensation, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
2023 Applied Professionalism, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
2023 Elder Law Institute, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
2023 - The Ethics Triangle, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
2023 Worker's Compensation Institute, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
2024 Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy Symposium: The Dignity of Work, Sheedy Family Program in Economy, Enterprise & Society; Notre Dame Law School, Program on Church, State & Society; De Nicola Center for Ethics & Culture; Nonovic Institute for European Studies; Center for Social Concerns; and Notre Dame Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government
2024 Journal of Legislation Symposium: Envisioning Federal AI Legislation, Journal of Legislation
2024 Journal on Emerging Technologies Symposium: Artificial Intelligence, Notre Dame Law School
2024 Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law Symposium: Anti-Blasphemy & Anti-Proselytism Laws, Journal of International & Comparative Law and Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative
2024 Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit: Dean G. Marcus Cole’s remarks at Gala & Award Dinner, G. Marcus Cole
2024 Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit: Dean G. Marcus Cole’s welcome remarks, G. Marcus Cole
2024 Supplement to Civil Procedure: Rules, States, and Recent Developments, 6th ed., Jay Tidmarsh, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., Suzanna Sherry, and Steven S. Gensler
21st Annual Family Law Institute, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
21st Century Churches and Federal Tax Law, Lloyd H. Mayer and Ellen P. Aprill
23rd Annual Indiana Property Tax Institute, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
36th Father Mike Show, Student Bar Association
45th Annual Judge Robert H. Staton Indiana Law Update, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
50th Annual Midwest Estate, Tax and Business Planning Institute, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
60 Litigation Tips, Tricks, Apps, and Websites in 60 Minutes, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
7th Annual Advanced Issues in Immigration, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
90 Hot Tips in Estate, Trust and Probate Practice, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Access Approved or Access Denied - The Three Paths to Public Records, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
A Conversation with Judge Fitzgerald, LGBT Law Forum
A Conversation with Mike Keyes on IP Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property Law Society
A Conversation with Steve Wink about Fintech, Business Law Forum and Intellectual Property Law Society
A Deep Dive Into The UCC, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Ad Hoc Constructions of Penal Statutes, Joel S. Johnson
A Discussion with Sister Helen Prejean, Notre Dame Law School
Admiralty, Abstention, and the Allure of Old Cases, Maggie Gardner
Adoption Law in Indiana, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Adult Guardianship Training, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Civil Mediation, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Corporate Counsel, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Cybersecurity_ Protecting the Store for Your Business Client, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Elder Law, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Family Law (South), Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Individual Bankruptcy Chapters 7 & 13, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advanced Issues in DUI Defense, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Advocating for the Innocent: Exoneration Justice, Max Gaston
Advocating for the Innocent: Exoneration Justice, Max Gaston
Affordable Housing and the Catholic Church, American Constitution Society and St. Thomas More Society
A History of Securities Law in the Supreme Court, Notre Dame Law School
AI and the Future of Law, Notre Dame Law School
American Democracy and the 2024 Election, Rooney Center and Notre Dame Law School
Amicus Brief of the National Congress of American Indians, a Tribal Elder, and Other Federal Indian Law Scholars and Organizations, Michalyn Steele and Stephanie Hall Barclay
Amicus Curiae, Stephanie Barclay, Nicole Garnett, Diane Desierto, Richard Garnett, John Meiser, and Jorge Barrera-Rojas
Amicus Curiae Brief of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and Carol Logan in Support of Appellants, Stephanie Hall Barclay and John A. Meiser
Amicus Curiae Brief of the Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellants, John A. Meiser and Meredith Holland Kessler
A Model State Compensation Law for the Wrongfully Convicted, Jacqueline Kamel
A Murder Victim's Parents' Encounter with the Death Penalty, Death Penalty Abolition Society
An Education Theory of Fault For Autonomous Systems, William D. Smart, Cindy M. Grimm, and Woodrow Hartzog
An Introduction to Personal Growth Bets: Using Contract Law to Lose Weight and Quit Smoking, Max Raskin and Jack Millman
Anishinaabe Philosophies in Tribal Courts, Native American Law Students Association
Annual DUI Defense Update, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
A Non-Categorical Approach to Free Exercise Rights, Elizabeth A. Clark
An Originalist Approach to Prospective Overruling, John O. McGinnis and Michael Rappaport
An Originalist Approach to Puerto Rico: Arguments Against the Status Quo, Micah Allred
Anticompetition in Buying and Selling Homes, Roger P. Alford and Benjamin H. Harris
Anticontract, David P. Waddilove
Antitrust in the Blockchain Era, Giovanna Massarotto
Appeals on Wheels, Notre Dame Law School
Appellant's Opening Brief, Zack Greenamyre, W. Gerald Weber, John A. Meiser, and Meredith Holland Kessler
Appellant's Reply Brief, Zack Greenamyre, Gerald R. Weber Jr., John A. Meiser, and Meredith Holland Kessler
Applying for the London Law Programme 2025/26, London Law Program
Applying to International Clerkships, International Graduate Programs, International Human Rights Society, and International Law Society
A Proof of the Objectivity of Morals, Renford Bambrough
Arbitration and the Avoidance of War: The 19th Century American Vision, Mary Ellen O'Connell
A Remedy-Centered Approach to Antitrust, John O. McGinnis and Grace Stippich
Art & Architecture in the Life of a Lawyer, St. Thomas More Society
Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Autonomy, Simon Chesterman
A Sleeping Giant: mHelath Applications, the GDPR, and the Need for Federal Privacy Regulation in the United States, Kali Peeples
Assisted Suicide, Forced Cooperation, and Coercion: Reflections on a Brewing Storm, Lucia A. Silecchia
A Talk With Anna Vasquez, Exoneration Justice Clinic, American Constitution Society, American Civil Liberties Union, Public Interest Law Forum, Exoneration Justice Project, Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council, Women's Legal Forum, Hispanic Law Students Association, and LGBT Law Forum
A Textualist Defense of a New Collateral Order Doctrine, Adam Reed Moore
Athlete Representation, Edmund P. Edmonds
A Uniform Choice? ESAs and the State Right to Education, Hadiah C. Mabry
Australia as a Model for Batson Reform, Evan M. Luellen
Avoiding Malpractice_ The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Legal Technology, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Bank of America Foundation Fellowship, Bank of America Foundation and Notre Dame Law School
Barrister's Ball, Student Bar Association, Notre Dame Law School
Basilica Tour and Dinner, St. Thomas More Society
Belief in War, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Bible Study, Christian Legal Society
Bible Study, Christian Legal Society
Bibliography: Books and Articles on Natural Law and Related Areas, Hans-Peter Schneider
Big Proctor: Online Proctoring Problems and How FERPA Can Promote Student Data Due Process, Elana Zeide
Block Change: The Fallacy of Blockchain Immutability and Cartel Governance, Roberto D. Taufick
Blood & Chemical Testing_ What You Need to Know and Why You Need to Know It, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Blood Drive with the Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame Law School and South Bend Medical Foundation
BLSA Staff Appreciation Award, Black Law Sctudents Association
Book Review, Joseph P. Witherspoon
Book Review, Edgar Bodenheimer
Book Review, Illtud Evans O.P.
Book Review, Louis C. Midgley
Book Talk with Knox Thames, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Lindsay and Matt Moroun Religious Liberty Clinic
Break (& Beyond) Wellness, Student Bar Association
Breakfast with Q-A-Mom: Understanding & Combatting the Stealth Threat of Women Engaged with Digital Domestic Terrorist Organizations, Leah A. Plunkett
Breaking the Unconscious Bias Habit, Max Gaston
Brief Amicus Curiae of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, John A. Meiser and Francesca Matozzo
Brief Amicus Curiae of the Bruderhof, CLEAR, Muslim Advocates, and the Sikh Coalition in Support of Appellant, Stephanie Hall Barclay and Francesca Matozzo
Brief Amicus Curiae of the Bruderhof, CLEAR, the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, and the Sikh Coalition in Support of Appellant, Stephanie Hall Barclay and Francesca Matozzo
Brief Amicus Curiae of the Bruderhof, CLEAR, the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, and the Sikh Coalition in Support of Rehearing En Banc, Francesca Matozzo
Brief Amicus Curiae of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, the MICA Group, and a Tribal Elder in Support of Plaintiff-Appellant's Petition for Full En Banc Rehearing, Stephanie Hall Barclay, Meredith Holland Kessler, and Francesca Matozzo
Brief Amicus Curiae of the National Congress of American Indians, a Tribal Elder, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and the MICA Group Supporting Plaintiff-Appellant and En Banc Rehearing, Stephanie Hall Barclay and Francesca Matozzo
Brief Amicus Curiae of the Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic Supporting Plaintiff-Appellant, Francesca Matozzo and John Meiser
Brief for the Partnership for Inner-City Education, Council of Islamic Schools in North America, and National Council of Young Israel as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Nicole Stelle Garnett, Richard W. Garnett IV, John A. Meiser, and Michael H. McGinley
Brief of Amici Curiae Benedictine College and Franciscan University of Steubenville in Support of Petitioners, Richard W. Garnett IV, Nicole Stelle Garnett, and John A. Meiser
Brief of Amici Curiae Catholic Medical Association and Coptic Medical Association of North America in Support of Appellees, Eric N. Kniffin, John A. Meiser, and Francesca M. Genova
Brief of Amici Curiae Christian Medical & Dental Associations and Coptic Medical Association of North America in Support of Defendants' Motions to Dismiss, John A. Meiser, Francesca M. Genova, and Christopher J. Schweickert
Brief of Amici Curiae Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, Islam & Religious Freedom Action Team of the Religious Freedom Institute, and Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic in Support of Petitioners, John A. Meiser and Nicole Stelle Garnett
Brief of Amicus Curiae California Catholic Conference in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellants, John A. Meiser and Meredith Holland Kessler
Brief of Amicus Curiae EdChoice Kentucky in Support of Appellants, Philip D. Williamson and John A. Meiser
Brief of Amicus Curiae Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellants, John A. Meiser and Francesca Genova Matozzo
Brief of Amicus Curiae Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment, Casey M. Nokes and Meredith Kessler
Brief of Amicus Curiae Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative, Megan M. Wold and John A. Meiser
Brief of Amicus Curiae Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative in Support of Petitioner, Nicole Stelle Garnett, Richard W. Garnett IV, Francesca Genova Matozzo, Steven A. Engel, and Michael H. McGinley
Brief of Amicus Curiae Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative in Support of Petitioners, Nicole Stelle Garnett, Richard W. Garnett IV, John A. Meiser, Steven A. Engel, Michael H. McGinley, Eric D. Hageman, Justin M. Romeo, and Lincoln Davis Wilson
Brief of Amicus Curiae Religious Freedom Institute in Support of Petitioner, John A. Meiser, Nicole Stelle Garnett, Richard W. Garnett IV, and Francesca Genova Matozzo
Brief of Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner, John A. Meiser and Meredith Holland Kessler
Brief of Religious Liberty Scholars and Employment Law Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner, Douglas Laycock, John A. Meiser, and Richard W. Garnett
Brief of Religious Liberty Scholars and Employment Law Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner, Douglas Laycock, John A. Meiser, and Richard W. Garnett
Brief of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Religious Freedom Institute's Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team, and Asma Uddin, Stephanie Barclay
Brief of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Religious Freedom Institute's Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team, and Asma Uddin as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs, Stephanie H. Barclay
Bruen’s Enforcement Puzzle: Unearthing and Adjudicating the Historical Enforcement Record in Second Amendment Cases, Andrew Willinger
Business Law Forum General Meeting, Business Law Forum
Calling & The Legal Profession, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Can Permissionless Blockchains Avoid Governance and the Law?, Eric Alston, Wilson Law, Ilia Murtazashvili, and Martin Weiss
Career Opportunities & Trajectory in Energy Law, Business Law Forum and Environmental Law Society
Careers and Mentorships, Hispanic Law Student Association
Careers in Religious Liberty Panel, Lindsay and Matt Moroun Religious Liberty Clinic and Notre Dame Law School Career Development Office
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, Native American Law Students Association
Champions of Justice Award, Notre Dame Law School
Changes in Church Doctrine, St. Thomas More Society
Charitable Giving_ The Basics to Advanced Applications, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Charity Law & Blockchain Technology: Using Old Wineskins for New Wine?, Lloyd H. Mayer
Charting The Skies: Where Does Facial Recognition Technology "FIT" In The Data Privacy Cosmos?, Steven D. Zansberg
Chicago Congregations Research Field Trips, Fitzgerald Institute for Real Estate
Christianity and Constitutionalism, International and Graduate Programs Office
Christianity and the Use of Force, Lex and Pax Christi, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Church Properties, Real Estate Law Society, St. Thomas More Society, and Christian Legal Society
Civil and Religious Law Christian & Jewish Perspectives, St. Thomas More Society; Christian Legal Society; and Program on Church, State, and Society
Civil Procedure, 6th edition, Jay Tidmarsh, Thomas D. Rowe Jr., Suzanna Sherry, and Steven S. Gensler
Civil Public Interest, Public Interest Law Forum and Women's Legal Forum
Cleaning the Mess of 303 Creative v. Elenis, Netta Barak-Corren
Clerking on Specialized Federal Courts, Student Bar Association, Notre Dame Law School
Climate Zoning, Christopher Serkin
Clinical Information Session, Notre Dame Law School
Clothing/Supplies/Electronics Drive, Notre Dame Exoneration Project
Club Fair, Student Bar Association
CME for Family Mediators, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
CME Update for Civil Mediators_ Advancing Your Civil Mediation Practice, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Cocoa and Christmas Cheer, Student Bar Association
Combatants and the Combat Zone, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Common Law Statutes, Charles W. Tyler
Competing Approaches to Legal Interpretation, Notre Dame Law School
Confession at the Law School, St. Thomas More Society
Congressional Power to Institute a Wealth Tax, Will Clark
Controlling Moral Hazard in Limited Liability With the Consumer Sales Practices Act, Nathaniel Vargas Gallegos
Conversation with Cathy Quinlan, Intellectual Property Law Society
Conversation with Pete Bevacqua, Sports, Communication, and Entertainment Law Forum
Converse-Osborn: State Sovereign Immunity, Standing, and the Dog-Wagging Effect of Article III, Carlos M. Vázquez
Costumes and Candy, Student Bar Association
Courtroom Presentation Technology_ Avoiding Death by PowerPoint, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Cover Page, Masthead, and Table of Contents
Cover Page, Masthead, and Table of Contents
COVID-19 Sewage Testing As A Police Surveillance Infrastructure, Elizabeth E. Joh
Cyber Security without Cyber War, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Damages in Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Cases, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Dean G. Marcus Cole awarded the Dignitatis Humanae Award by the University of St. Thomas School of Law, Denise Wager
Dean to step down at the end of 2018-19 year, Notre Dame Law School
Death Penalty Abolition Society First Meeting, Death Penalty Abolition Society
Decanting to Modify Irrevocable Indiana Trusts, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Decoupling Property and Education, Nicole Stelle Garnett
Deepfake Fight: AI-Powered Disinformation and Perfidy Under the Geneva Conventions, David Nicholas Allen
Deep Seabed Mining: What is to be Done About the Regulatory Lacuna?, Katherine Reece Thomas
Defendant St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School's Motion to Dismiss, Michael H. McGinley, Steven A. Engel, M. Scott Proctor, John A. Meiser, Michael R. Perri, and Socorro Adams Dooley
Defendant St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School's Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss, Michael H. McGinley, Steven A. Engel, M. Scott Proctor, John A. Meiser, Michael R. Perri, and Socorro Adams Dooley
Defendant St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School's Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss, Michael H. McGinley, Steven A. Engel, M. Scott Proctor, John A. Meiser, Michael R. Perri, and Socorro Adams Dooley
Democracy and “Elite” Education: Lessons From Another Corner of the World, J. Mark Ramseyer and Yoshitaka Fukui
Did the Court in SFFA Overrule Grutter?, Bill Watson
Dignity of Human Life in the Digital Age, College of Arts and Letters Technology and Digital Studies Program, DeNicola Center for Ethics and Culture, Jus Vitae, McGrath Institute, Notre Dame Law School, Notre Dame Right to Life, and University Faculty/Staff for Life
Disclosing the Inevitable: Reconciling the Varied Requirements for the Disclosure of Death on Real Property, Hillary M. Goldberg
Diverse Originalism, History & Tradition, Christina Mulligan
Document Assembly Technology_ What it Can Do for Your Practice & How to Evaluate the Players, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Document & Discovery Management for Litigators, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Does the Discourse on 303 Creative Portend a Standing Realignment?, Richard M. Re
Don't Talk to the Police, Notre Dame Law School Federalist Society
Dress for Success, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Black Law Students Association, First Generation Professionals, and Hispanic Law Students Association
Drone Attacks and the Failure of Securitisation in Pakistan, Satvinder S. Juss and Sahib S. Juss
Easter Egg Hunt, The Student Bar Association Spirit Committee, St. Thomas More Society, and Christian Legal Society
Education Law Careers, Education Law Forum
Education Law & the Special Education Clinic, Education Law Forum
Elastic Batch and Bellwether Proceedings in Mass Arbitration, Bennett Rogers
Election Law in 2024, Federalist Society
Election Subversion and the Writ of Mandamus, Derek T. Muller
Election Watch Party, American Constitution Society and Federalist Society
Electric Load Flexibility Analysis for the Clean Energy Transition, Peter Alstone and Mary Ann Piette
Emotional Distress and Other Psychological Damages, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Encountering Jesus in the Law, Jus Vitae and St. Thomas More Society
English Legal Documents, Kresge Law Library
Entity of the State: The Transparency of Restricting Telecommunications Firms as Threats to America’s National Security, Benjamin W. Cramer
Equality and Religious Liberty: Oppressing Conscientious Diversity in England, John M. Finnis
Equipping Attorneys for Difficult Conversations, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Estate Planning Strategies, Tools, Techniques & More!, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Ethical AI in American Policing, Elizabeth E. Joh
Ethics_ Centralizing & Securing Your Documents, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Everybody Dies. Or, A Consideration of Simultaneous Death Statutes and the Struggles of the Self-Represented, Victoria J. Haneman
Evidence for Trial Lawyers, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Exoneree Kristine Bunch, Notre Dame Exoneration Project
Experience and Dialogue in Unprecedented Times, Notre Dame Graduate School and Notre Dame Law School
Experiential Learning Fair, Notre Dame Law School
Explaining the ICJ Ruling on South Africa's Genocide Case Aganist Israel, American Constitutional Society, Notre Dame Law School, International Human Rights Society, and Middle Eastern Law Student Association
Extended Privacy for Extended Reality: Xr Technology has 99 Problems and Privacy is Several of Them, Suchismita Pahi and Calli Schroeder
Faithfulness as a Husband, Father, and Attorney, St. Thomas More Society
Faith in the Daily Lives of Law Students, St. Thomas More Society
Faith on the Seventh Circuit, St. Thomas More Society, Christian Legal Society, and Black Law Students Association
Fall Ball, Student Bar Association
Fannie, Notre Dame Law School, Hesburgh Democracy Fellows, Notre Dame Law School First Generation Professionals, and Notre Dame Black Law Students Association
Federal Civil Practice, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Federalist Society General Body Meeting, Notre Dame Law School Federalist Society
Financial Wellness Week, Notre Dame Law School
Find Your Landing Zone - Thinking of Life Beyond the Bar, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Find Your Landing Zone - Thinking of Life Beyond the Bar, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
First Amendment “Harms”, Stephanie H. Barclay
First Amendment Imbalance: Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, Steven K. Green
Foreward, John T. Noonan Jr.
Foreword, Peter C. Burns
Formalism, Legality, and the Rule of Law, Paul Miller
Freedom of Religion, St. Thomas More Society
Free Exercise Renewal and Conditions on Government Benefits, Thomas C. Berg
Free to Judge: The Power of Campaign Money in Judicial Elections, American Constitution Society, Notre Dame Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government, and National Lawyers Guild
Fr. Stephen Omeiza Ojapah on Tears and Torture, Lindsay and Matt Moroun Religious Liberty Clinic and Office of the Dean, Notre Dame Law School
Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council Organizational Meeting, Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council
Gain the Edge! - Negotiating To Get What You Want, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Game of Drones, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Garciela Award, Hispanic Law Students Association
Gender, Justice and Joy: Legal Travels through the Patriarchy, Suppressed Speech and Corporate Crime, Liu Institute's South Asia Group, Gender Studies Program, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, and Klau Institute for Civil and Human Rights
Germaneness and Religious Liberty, Michael P. Moreland
Getting in a Bind—Comparing Executive Compensation Regulations in the U.S. and the U.K., Bobby V. Reddy
Global Civil Justice, Cesare Cavallini
Graduate Student Appreciation Week, Black Graduate Student Association, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Graduate Latin American Students Unidos, Graduate Student Government, Notre Dame Graduate Student Life, Notre Dame Learning, Raclin Murphy Museum of Art, and University of Notre Dame Graduate School
Guns, Analogies, and Constitutional Interpretation Across Centuries, Frederick Schauer and Barbara A. Spellman
Guns, Bruen, & Constitutional Insanity, American Constitutional Society
Hague, Dublin, & Hamburg Honor Scholars Programs Information Session, Notre Dame Law School, International and Graduate Programs Office
Have Some Heart for the Heartland: A Call for a Federal Right to Repair Law, Gabriel Dominic Gomez
Health Law Society General Body Meeting, Health Law Society
Health Law_ Updates You Need To Know, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Hearing Before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Actions, and Federal Rights, O. Carter Snead
Hearing Before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary The Continued Assault on Reproductive Freedoms in a Post-Dobbs America, O. Carter Snead
Higher Education Roundtable, Education Law Forum
Historical Basis and Legal Development [of International Humanitarian Law], Mary Ellen O'Connell
Historical Development and Legal Basis, Mary O'Connell
Historical Fact, Ryan C. Williams
History and Tradition in Constitutional Interpretation, American Constitution Society
Hon. Daniel A. Manion, 1942–2024, Notre Dame Law School
Hot Topics on the Use of Force, International Law Society and Military and Veterans Law Society
How God works through his creation, Saint Thomas More Society
How to Become a Published Author, Represent One, & Protect Your Client's Film & TV Rights, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
How to Leverage Executive Power, The Federalist Society
How to Make a Majority Opinion, American Constitution Society
How to Make the Most of Your Summer Internship, LGBT Law Forum and First Generation Professionals
How to Take Exams - Student Panel, First Generation Professionals and Notre Dame Law School, Academic Affairs
How to Try a Case in the Indiana Commercial Courts, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Human Interaction and the Law, Lon L. Fuller
Hyperlocal Gift Economies Under the Duberstein Gift Standard, Nicolás R. Munsen
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them: Richard Posner and Behavioral Law and Economics, Avishalom Tor, Doran Teichman, and Eyal Zamir
In Defense of (Virtuous) Autonomous Weapons, Don Howard
Indiana Appellate Practice, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Indiana's New Health Care Advance Directive, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Indissolubility of Marriage and Natural Law, John T. Noonan Jr.
Insights into International Corporate Practice, International Law Society
Integrating Faith & Law, St. Thomas More Society, Christian Legal Society, Married Law Students Organization, and Education Law Forum
Intellectual Property and the Myth of Nonrivalry, James Y. Stern
Interfaith Dinner, Notre Dame Law School Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative; Middle Eastern Law Student Association; and Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion
International Human Rights Society Interest Meeting, International Human Rights Society
International Law and Drone Attacks beyond Armed Conflict Zones, Mary O'Connell
International Law as a Tool: South Africa's Application to the International Court of Justice, Notre Dame Law School
International Law Society First General Body Meeting, International Law Society
Interpretive Divergence in the New York Court of Appeals, Ethan J. Leib
Interstitial Private Law, Samuel L. Bray, John C.P. Goldberg, Paul B. Miller, and Henry E. Smith
Intervenor St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School's Brief in Response to Petitioner's Application and Petition, Michael H. McGinley, Steven A. Engel, M. Scott Proctor, John A. Meiser, Michael R. Perri, and Socorro Adams Dooley
Introduction, Paul Miller and Thilo Kuntz
Intro to Catholicism: Nature of Mystery, St. Thomas More Society
Is Tax Law Different? Unconstitutional Conditions, Religious Organizations, and Taxation, Lloyd H. Mayer
"I Still Live in Guantánamo!" Human Rights Abuses Continue After Detainees Leave Guantánamo, Peter Jan Honigsberg
Jennifer Newsome Martin to succeed O. Carter Snead as director of de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame and Kenneth Hallenius
Journal of International and Comparative Law Symposium: International Legal Collective Security Interests, Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, and Nanovic Institute for European Studies
Judicial Ethics, American Constitution Society
Jus Cogens: International Law's Higher Ethical Norms, Mary O'Connell
Just Action, Notre Dame Law School, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Black Law Students Association; Real Estate Law Society; American Constitution Society of Notre Dame; Notre Dame Center for Social Concerns; and Notre Dame School of Architecture
JUST ACTION: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law, Max Gaston
Justice in Housing, Max Gaston
Killing with Combat Drones: A Case Study of Pakistan, 2004-2009, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Law and Economics Symposium: Assessing Regulatory Instruments of Behavior Change: Lessons from Household Energy Conservation, Notre Dame Research Program on Law and Market Behavior and Notre Dame Law School
Law School Expansion 1986–1987, University of Notre Dame
Law School Trick or Treat, Notre Dame Law School
Lawyer's Guide to Financial Planning, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Learning to Disagree: A Chat with Author John Inazu, Notre Dame Law School
Legal Thought in Enlightenment’s Wake, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
Legal vs. Factual Normative Questions & the True Scope of Ring, Emad H. Atiq
Legislative Update 2023, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Lethal Injection: The Dark(er) Side of the Death Penalty, Death Penalty Abolition Society
Letter from the Editor, Manasi Raveendran
Letter from the Editor, Barrett Cole
Letter from the Editor, Barrett Cole
Letter from the Editor, Barrett Cole
Life, Abraham Lincoln, Leadership, the Law and Love: What is God Calling Me to Do?, Jus Vitae and St. Thomas More Society
London Law Programme Student Panel, International Law Society
Losing the Battle Against Individual Infringers, Copyright Holders Set Their Sights on Internet Service Providers Once Again, Michael E. Benson
Lrap Lunch-N-Learn, Loan Repayment Assistance Program and Notre Dame Law School
Lunch and Learn with Satvinder Juss, International and Graduate Programs, Notre Dame Law School
Lunch with Walter Jean-Jacques, American Constitution Society, First Generation Professionals, and Black Law Students Association
Magisterium and Natural Law, Bernard Häring
Making the Decision or Stuck With the Decision_ Arbitration vs. Litigation in Employment Matters, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
March Madness Competition, Student Bar Association, Spirit Committee
Mardi Gras 2024, St. Thomas More Society and Student Bar Association
Marriage & the Billable Hour, Notre Dame Law School
Martin Le Maistre's Reasoning in Sexual Matters, Michael F. Valente
Mastering Litigation in the Modern Age, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Mastering Microsoft Word Formatting Complex Pleadings, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Mastering Microsoft Word in the Law Office, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Matter - Case Management Software_ Why Outlook Isn't Good Enough, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Methodology in Private Law Theory, Paul Miller and Thilo Kuntz
Midstream Contract Interpretation, Alan Schwartz and Simone M. Sepe
Midwest Intellectual Property Summit, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Military and Veterans Law Society First Meeting, Military and Veterans Law Society
Minos or, On Law, R. F. Hathaway
MMU: 01/15/24–01/21/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 01/22/24–01/28/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 01/29/24–02/04/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 02/05/24–02/11/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 02/12/24–02/18/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 02/19/24–02/25/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 02/26/24–03/03/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 03/04/24–03/10/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 03/18/24–03/24/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 03/25/24–03/31/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 04/01/24–04/07/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 04/08/24–04/14/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 04/15/24–04/21/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 04/22/24–04/28/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 04/29/24–05/05/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 09/02/24–09/08/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 09/09/24–09/15/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 09/16/24–09/22/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 09/23/24–09/29/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 09/30/24–10/06/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 10/07/24–10/13/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 10/14/24–10/20/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 10/28/24–11/03/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 11/04/24–11/10/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 11/11/24–11/17/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 11/18/24–11/24/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 11/25/24–12/01/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 12/02/24–12/08/24, Student Bar Association
MMU: 12/09/24–12/15/24, Student Bar Association
Moat Mentality: Onshore and Offshore Approaches to Wind Waking, K.K. DuVivier and Brendan T. Mooney
Model Rule 8.4(g): Blatantly Unconstitutional and Blatantly Political, George W. Dent Jr.
More Than Troubling: The Alarming Absence of ‘Troubled Teen Industry’ Regulation and Proposals for Reform, Morgan Rubino
Movie Screening: Simón, Global Human Rights Clinic
Murphy Fellowship, Notre Dame Law School
Mysterizing Religion, Marc O. DeGirolami
Natural Superiority of Courts, Mary O'Connell
Navigating Women's Fashion in the Legal Profession, The Federalist Society and Women's Legal Forum
ND Law in Chicago Externship Lunch-N-Learn, Notre Dame Law School
ND Law in Chicago Lunch-n-Learn, Notre Dame Law School
ND Law in D.C Externship Lunch-n-Learn, Notre Dame Law School
ND Law in D.C. Externship Lunch-N-Learn, Notre Dame Law School
ND Law Voter Registration Drive, Notre Dame Law School, Hesburgh Democracy Fellows, Notre Dame Law School First Generation Professionals, and Notre Dame Law Students Association
NDLS Communicator: Week of 01.08.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 01.16.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 01.22.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 01.29.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 02.05.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 02.12.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 02.19.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 02.26.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 03.04.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 03.18.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 03.25.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 04.01.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 04.08.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 04.15.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 04.22.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 04.29.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 05.06.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 05.13.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 05.20.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 05.27.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 06.10.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 06.24.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 07.08.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 07.22.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 08.05.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 08.19.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 08.26.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 09.03.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 09.09.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 09.16.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 09.23.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 09.30.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 10.07.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 10.14.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 10.28.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 11.04.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 11.11.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 11.18.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 12.02.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 12.09.24, Notre Dame Law School
NDLS Communicator: Week of 12.16.24, Notre Dame Law School
Non–Article III Federal Tribunals: An Essay on the Relation Between Theory and Practice, Richard H. Fallon Jr.
Nonprofit Corporations & Politics: The Entity/Coordination Tension, Lloyd H. Mayer
Nonprofits, Taxes, and Speech, Lloyd H. Mayer
Note, American, Isis, and Social Media: How the Material Support Statute Can Help Combat Against Their Collision, Morgan Stacey
Note, Are Officers Equipped to Protect and Serve Their Communities? An Examination into the Militarization of America's Police and Police Legitimacy, Jaclyn M. D'Esposito
Note: Artistic Relevance in Artificial Intelligence? “Roger” That!, Kelly Heilman
Note, Baking a Cake: How to Draw the Line Between Protected Expressive Conduct and Something You Do, Chris Chung
Note: Building Blocks of a Fundamental Right: A Thought Experiment on the Constitutional Right to a Livable Climate, Melanie Hess
Note, Establishing Rule of Law Through Informal Justice Systems and Development Programs, Patrick Akers
Note: Facial Recognition Technology And The Constitution, Mark Simonitis
Note, Fixing America’s Nuclear Waste Policy: Hurdling Infinite Obstacles to an Interminable Problem, James M. Cavanagh
Note: Fracking Fluids: Regulatory Disclosure and Trade Secret Ingredients, Alison Ibendahl
Note: Home-Sharing, Ride-Sharing, And Data-Sharing: Fourth Amendment Hurdles For Local Governance of the Sharing Economy, Matthew J. Disler
Note: Improving the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016: Against Preempting State Trade Secret Law, Victoria Hanson
Note, Inhibiting Educational Choice: State Constitutional Restrictions on School Choice, Patrick Loughery
Note: Kinship, Incest, and the Dictates of Law, Henry Ansgar Kelly
Note: Law and Technology: Online Legal Services that Help Bridge the Access-to-Justice Gap, Katelyn N. Ringrose
Note: Nft Art Heists: Analyzing Nfts Under U.S. Law and International Conventions on Art Theft, Kevin D. Brum
Note: Patentability of 3D Printed Biomaterials, Nicole Barba
Note, Physician-Owned Distributorships, Jennifer Brougham
Note, Public School Closures: The Fate of Abandoned School Buildings, Brendan P. Barber
Note: Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A Call For A United States Artificial Intelligence Agency, Noah John Kahekili Rosenberg
Note: Scraping Photographs, Maggie King
Note: Self-Regulation by the Private Industry and its Effectiveness in Today's Online Environment, Stephanie Wong
Note: Structured Psychometrics in Biglaw Talent Acquisition: AI-Driven Quantitative Fit, Joseph J. Kim
Note, The Case for a Constitutional Right to Conscience for Health Care Providers, Kristi A. Denny
Note, The Role of Nonverbal Persuasion in Juror Decision-Making and the Need to Regulate the Trial Consulting Industry, Jaclyn M. D'Esposito
Note, The Sales Tax on Necessities: Call for a Unified Approach, Viktoriya Rusanova
Note, The Unconstitutionality of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Michael C. Mikulic
Note: The Weakest Link in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation: A Comparative Study of Methane Waste Law in the United States, Vienna Bottomley
Note: Trust in the Digital Marketplace: Amazon, Third-Party Sellers, and Informational Fiduciaries, Jesse-Paul Crane
Note, Two Wrongs Do Not Make a Right: The Need to Revisit the Ellerth/Faragher Affirmative Defense, Robert R. Graham III
Notre Dame Exoneration Project First Meeting, Notre Dame Exoneration Project
Notre Dame Law Fellowship 2011–2012, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Law School Distinguished Staff Award, Student Bar Association
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: April 2020, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: August–September 2019, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: December 2019, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: December 2020, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: February 2020, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: July 2020, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: May–June 2019, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: October 2019, Notre Dame Law School
Notre Dame Lawyers Connect: October–November 2020, Notre Dame Law School
Nudge Efficiency, Avishalom Tor
Oh Canada: Why Canada Should Recognize the Northwest Passage as an International Strait, Sandra Weir
On Traditionalism in Free Speech Law, R. George Wright
Ordinary Conscience and Pretend Offenses: Protecting Those Left Out of Title VII After Groff, Robin Fretwell Wilson and Michael J. Petersen
Overcoming Legal and Institutional Barriers to the Implementation of Innovative Environmental Technologies, David Strifling, Walter McDonald, Hannah Hathaway, and Joe Naughton
Patent Law’s Role in Protecting Public Health, Sean B. Seymore
Pay Differences in the Absence of Discrimination: Legislative Fallacies and Statistical Truths, Allan G. King and Stephen G. Bronars
Peace and War, Mary O'Connell
Peremptory Norms and R2P, Mary O'Connell
Perspectives of Black Men in Law School: Part 1, Max Gaston
Perspectives of Black Men in Law School: Part 2, Max Gaston
Pizza, Pop, and Politics: Voting Rights and Election Administration, Klau Institute for Civil and Human Rights and Keough School of Global Affairs
Pluralistic Perfectionism: A Review Essay of Making Men Moral, Gerard V. Bradley
Political Legitimacy in an Era of Corporate Control, International and Graduate Programs, Notre Dame Law School
Postcard of Sorin Hall, c1915-1920, Archives of the University of Notre Dame
Practicing Humility, St Thomas More Society and Christian Legal Society
Practicing Law in a Mid-Sized City, Notre Dame Law School
Precedent, Stare Decisis, and En Banc Rehearings, Notre Dame Law School Federalist Society
Presidential Power and What the First Congress Did Not Do, Michael D. Ramsey
Presumption Law in Action: Why States Should Not Be Seduced Into Adopting Joint Custody Presumption, Maritza Karmely
Pretrial Commitment and the Fourth Amendment, Laurent Sacharoff
Preventing the Corruption of Healthcare Algorithms, Philip M. Nichols
Preventing Undeserved Punishment, Marah Stith McLeod
Privacy Purgatory: Why the United States Needs a Comprehensive Federal Data Privacy Law, Emily Stackhouse Taetzsch
Private Law Formalism and Jurisprudential Method, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
Pro-Life in Practice, Jus Vitae and St. Thomas More Society
Promoting Transparency in Judicial Clerkships, The Federalist Society and American Constitution Society
Proper Parents, Proper Relief, Katie Grace Graziano
Proportionalities, Youngjae Lee
Pro Se Asylum Clinic, National Lawyers Guild and National Immigration Justice Center of Chicago
Prosecuting in Indian Country, Native American Law Students Association
Protecting Competition in the American Economy, American Constitution Society, Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council, and Notre Dame Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government
Protecting Law Clerks from Harassment, Max Gaston
Public Defender Externship Lunch-n-Learn, Notre Dame Law School
Public Domain Day Series, Hesburgh Library
Public Employees as a Reflection of a Religiously Diverse Culture, Steven T. Collis
Public Interest Internship Panel, Public Interest Law Forum
Public Interest Law Forum Welcome Meeting, Public Interest Law Forum
Pumpkin Painting, McDonald Center for Student Well-Being
Qualified Immunity as Gun Control, Guha Krishnamurthi and Peter N. Salib
Real Estate Brokerage Law Update, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Recent Developments in Employment Law, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Recent Updates to the Law School Application, Max Gaston and Marisa Simon
Re-Designing Law and Lawyering for the Information Age, Thomas D. Barton
Rediscovered Masterpieces, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Notre Dame Music Department, and Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra
Red Mass, St. Thomas More Society
Regulating Dark Patterns, Martin Brenncke
Re-Imagining the Post-9/11 Authorizations for Use of Military Force in the Era of Emerging Consensus on Reform, Peter J. Amato
Religious Courts and Tribunals in Africa: an Overview, Mark Hill KC
Religious Liberty Clinic Information Session, Notre Dame Law School
Religious Liberty for Religious Child-Welfare Organizations: Promises and Perils, Asma T. Uddin
Representing Clients on VA Benefits, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Representing Native Clients in Big Law, Native American Law Students Association and Health Law Society
Resolving Land Use Conflicts Without Zoning, Noah Austin
Responsibility to Peace: A Critique of R2P, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Responsibility to Peace: A Critique of R2P, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Resurfacing Women Printers' Names and Contributions to the Printing Industry During the Hand Press Era, Tang Cindy Tian and Daniela Rovida
Rethinking Legislative Facts, Haley N. Proctor
Retrospective on Kennedy v. Bremerton, American Constitution Society
Returning the Benin Bronzes: An Analysis Under International and U.S. Law, Elaine Kim
Richard O'Sullivan KC-A Lecture by London Law Professor David Mcllroy, Notre Dame Law School and Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies
Roe v. Wade & the Legal Implications of State Constitutional "Personhood" Amendments, Clark D. Forsythe and Keith Arago
Roving Extraterritoriality: The Murky Doctrine on State Laws Regulating Absent Citizens, Leo Schlueter
Sacred Lands: Apache Stronghold v. United States of America, Native American Law Students Association and Notre Dame Law School's Religious Liberty Initiative
Saint Ivo Kermartin Mediation Award, Notre Dame Law School
Scelf Athletic Externship Student Panel, Sports Communications & Entertainment Law Forum
SCOTUS Recap, Federalist Society and Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government
Scrutiny of Employee Covenants Not to Compete Under the Rule of Reason: An Empirical Inquiry, Daniel A. Crane
Seductive Drones: Learning from a Decade of Lethal Operations, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Sigmund J. Beck Advanced Bankruptcy Roundtable, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Skin in the Game: Why Business Lawsuits Get Third-Party Funded, Radek Goral
Social Security for Migrant Workers: The EU, ILO & Treaty Based Regimes, Barbara Fick and Alma Clara Garcia Flechas
Speech and Religious Exercise in the Workplace, Notre Dame Law School
State Officers and the Enforcement of Federal Law, Charlie Nugent
State of the Law - A Conversation on DEI in Law Schools and Beyond, American Constitution Society, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Black Law Students Association, Hispanic Law Students Association, LGBT Law Forum, Middle Eastern Law Student Association, and Native American Law Student Association
State of the Law School Address, Student Bar Association, Inclusion Committee
State of the Supreme Court with 5-4 Podcast, American Constitution Society and National Lawyers Guild
State Sovereign Immunity and the New Purposivism, Anthony J. Bellia and Bradford R. Clark
State Supreme Court Justices Panel, Federalist Society
Staying in the Game, Max Gaston
Staying Tender, Strong, & True in the Mordern Workplace, St. Thomas More Society and The Master of Business Administration Association
Stereotypes, Representation, and Real Talk: Black Law Students Speak Out, Notre Dame Law School, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Steven H. Ancel Annual Bankruptcy Institute, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Steve Sessa, Sports Communications & Entertainment Law Forum
St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School's Motion to Intervene, Michael H. McGinley, Steven A. Engel, M. Scott Proctor, John A. Meiser, Michael R. Perri, and Socorro Adams Dooley
Stop Making the Business Case for Diversity, Max Gaston
Strategies for Effective Note Taking and Outlining, Notre Dame Law School, Academic Affairs and First Generation Professionals
Strategies for Taking Charge of Your Law Practice, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Strengthening State Constitutions, Jared C. Huber
Student Bar Association First General Body Meeting, Student Bar Association
Student Bar Association General Body Meeting, Student Bar Association
Study Abroad Exchange Programs: Beyond London!, Notre Dame Law School, International and Graduate Programs Office
Successfully Transferring Wealth to the Next Generation Family, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Supreme Court Recap with Eric Segall, American Constitution Society
Survivor's Guide to Everyday Estate Planning, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Taking Control of Your Finances, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Talking Clerkships with NDLS Alumni, American Constitutional Society, National Lawyers Guild, First Generation Professionals, Asian Pacific American Law Student Association, and Middle Eastern Law Student Association
Targeted Killing, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Teaching Jurisprudence in a Catholic Law School, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
Technology, Tradition, and “The Terror of the People”, Darrell A.H. Miller, Alexandra Filindra, and Noah Kaplan
Termaine Hicks: The Fight for Freedom, Exoneration Justice Clinic, Klau Institute for Civil and Human Rights, Jus vitae, American Constitution Society, The Federalist Society, American Civil Liberties Union, Saint Thomas More Society, Black Law Students Association, Christian Legal Society, Public Interest Law Forum, Exoneration Justice Project, and Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council
Testimony in Support of SB 394/AB 407 Advertising Without Agency Agreement or Written Consent, Roger P. Alford
Thanksgiving, Student Bar Association
The 2022 FIFA World Cup as a Catalyst for Labor Standards of Sport Professionals? A New Institutional Theory Perspective, Ilias Bantekas and Marko Begović
The Centrality of Data and Compute for AI Innovation: A Blueprint for the National Research Cloud, Daniel E. Ho, Jennifer King, Russell C. Wald, and Christopher Wan
The CFTC, MQD, and Climate Change, Todd Phillips and Will Dobbs-Allsopp
The Code of Life and Death, Braden R. Leach
The Concept of Personality in Private Law, Paul B. Miller
The Conferred Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, Leila Nadya Sadat
The Contextual Problem of Law Schools, Eli Wald
The Corporate Transparency Act, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
The Counter-Reformation of the Security Council, Mary Ellen O'Connell
The Danger of Racial Color Blindness, Max Gaston
The Defense of Natural Law in the Context of Contemporary Analytic Philosophy, Henry Veatch
The Electoral College, Notre Dame Law School Federalist Society
The Ethical Practice of Human-Centered Civil Justice Design, Victor D. Quintanilla and Haley Hinkle
The Ethics & Malpractice Risk of _Zealous Representation_, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
The Evolution of Speech Recognition Software_ You Won't Believe How Good It Has Become, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
The Faith and History of the Chaldean People, St. Thomas More Society and Middle Eastern Law Student Association
The Fentanyl Crisis & Criminal Justice, Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council
The Fundamental Right to Education: an opportunity for a fairer education system?, Notre Dame Law School, International and Graduate Program Office
The Futility of Regulating Social Media Content in a Global Media Environment, Rick G. Morris
The Future of Law in the Age of Algorithmic Reason, Notre Dame Law School
The Future of Sustainable Energy, Environmental Law Society
The Future of the Federal Trade Commission, Notre Dame Law School
The General-Law Right to Bear Arms, William Baude and Robert Leider
The Government of Germany, Donald P. Kommers
The High Cost of Pharmaceutical Acquisitions: Increasing Social Welfare or Furthering Inequality?, Timothy J. Haltermann
The History of Bans on Types of Arms Before 1900, David B. Kopel and Joseph G.S. Greenlee
The History of International Adjudication, Mary O'Connell and Lenore VanderZee
The Importance of Levels of Generality in Constitutional Interpretation, Notre Dame Law School, Program on Constitutional Structure
The Incoherence of Evidence Law, G. Alexander Nunn
The Just War Tradition and International Law against War: The Myth of Discordant Doctrines, Mary Ellen O'Connell
The Law Library: A Twenty Year Odyssey, Roger F. Jacobs
The Law of Parental Choice, Nicole Stelle Garnett and John Schoenig
The Legal Origins of Russian Membership in the Council of Europe and the Seeds of Russia's Expulsion, Jeffrey Kahn
The Life And Legacy Of Fr. Ted Hesburgh, St. Thomas More Society and Jus Vitae
The Lost History of Judicial Restraint, Derek A. Webb
The “Mendacious” Common-Law Mortgage, David P. Waddilove
The Mental Health Crisis in Prisons, Max Gaston
The Modern Business Law Practice, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
The Moral Imperative of Green Nuclear Energy Production, Don Howard
The Moral Obligation of Law Schools to Address Law Student Well-Being: A Review Essay About the Happy Laywer, Todd David Peterson
The New Catholic Integralism: True or False?, St. Thomas More Society
The New Editors: Refining First Amendment Protections For Internet Platforms, Mailyn Fidler
The New Nuclear? Small Modular Reactors and the Future of Nuclear, Bruce R. Huber
The Original Public Meaning of the 14th Amendment: Fetal Personhood, Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government, Jus Vitae of Notre Dame, and Notre Dame Federalist Society
The Palestine Exception to Free Speech, National Lawyers Guild, American Constitution Society, Middle Eastern Law Student Association, and Student Voices for Palestine
The Place of Economic Crisis in American Constitutional Law: The Great Depression as a Case Study, in Constitutions, Barry Cushman
The Platonic Minos and the Classical Theory of Natural Law, R. F. Hathaway and L. D. Houlgate
The Power of the "Internet of Things" to Mislead and Manipulate Consumers: A Regulatory Challenge, Kate Tokeley
The President of the Senate, the Original Public Meaning of the Twelfth Amendment, and the Electoral Count Reform Act, Derek T. Muller
The Price of Competition: Analyzing Anticompetitive Tactics in Pharmaceutical Markets During the Hatch-Waxman Era, William Ulrich
The "Prime Factors" of Quantum Cryptography Regulation, Lindsay Rand and Theodore Rand
The Prohibition of the Use of Force, Mary O'Connell
The Public/Private Rights Critics, Ann Woolhandler and Michael G. Collins
There Are No Unconstitutional Conditions on Free Exercise, Michael A. Helfand
There Is No More New Frontier: Analyzing Wildfire Management Efforts in the United States, Morgan D. Gafford
There’s a Law for That: Examining the Need for Personal Finance Education Legislation and Its Impact on Retirement in a Post COVID-19 World, Natalie M. Poirier
There’s an “App” for That: Developing Online Dispute Resolution to Empower Economic Development, Amy J. Schmitz
The Restricted Nature of the Profit Motive: Perspectives from Law, Business, And Economics, Keith William Diener
The Role of Circuit Courts in the Formation of United States Law in the Early Republic, David P. Waddilove
The Role of Fixed Income Investments, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
The Seventh Amendment Right to Jury Trial in the Administrative State: Recognizing the Dangers of the Constitutional Moment, Martin H. Redish and Samy Abdelsalam
The Shadow Docket, Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government, National Lawyers Guild, and American Constitutional Society
The Southwark Fire Court, Jay Tidmarsh
The Sovereign Right to Tax: How Bilateral Investment Treaties Threaten Sovereignty, Jennifer Bird-Pollan
The Third Wave of Electrification: A Normative Tool Against Climate Change, Elizabeth L. Adams
The Trouble with Classifications, Aziz Z. Huq
The (Unfilled) Fintech Potential, Aluma Zernik
The United Nations Security Council and Arms Control: A Failure of Responsibility, Mary Ellen O'Connell and Sawyer White
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
The Vision of Ukraine: Searching for Justice During Wartime, Notre Dame Law School
They Called Me Dennis: A Journey from Messenger to Justice, Notre Dame Law School and ND Law International & Graduate Programs
Things I Learned_ A Caregiver's Journey, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
'Things That Are Not Caesar’s': The Story of Kedroff v. St. Nicholas Cathedral, Richard W. Garnett
Thomas L. Shaffer Public Interest Fellowship, Notre Dame Law School
Thoughts on the Architecture of Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, Perry Dane
Three Chaplains, Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion; Campus Ministry; Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government; Middle Eastern Law Students Association; Notre Dame Law School, Officie of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Notre Dame International Security Center; and Office of Military and Veteran Affairs
Time Management_ How to Better Manage Your Workload & Time, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Title VII Cases + Law Firm Life, Women's Legal Forum
Toward Effective Reparations, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Global Human Rights Clinic, and Klau Institute for Civil and Human Rights
Toxic Discretion: Environmental Inequality and the Discretionary Function Exception, Sarah E. Barritt
Transnational Legal Process and International Adjudication, Mary Ellen O'Connell and Sawyer White
Trump's Legal Troubles, Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government
Turning the Page on a New Chapter in Life, The News
Tying Law for the Digital Age, Daniel A. Crane
Understanding Imposter Feelings, Max Gaston
Understanding Imposter Feelings, Max Gaston
Unopposed Brief Amicus Curiae of CLEAR, the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, and the Sikh Coalition in Support of Appellant, Stephanie Hall Barclay and Francesca Matozzo
Unopposed Motion of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and Carol Logan to File Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Appellants, Stephanie Hall Barclay and John A. Meiser
U.S. Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Slowly Evolving State of Affairs, Aaron Poynton
Variations, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Notre Dame Music Department, and Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra
Venality: A Strangely Practical History of Unremovable Offices and Limited Executive Power, Jed Handelsman Shugerman
Venit Lumen Tuum, University of Notre Dame
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Full Issue, Notre Dame Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law Volume 14
Volume 14, Issue 2 - Full Issue, Notre Dame Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law Volume 14
Volume 14, Issue 3 - Full Issue, Notre Dame Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law Volume 14
Volume 14 Masthead, Notre Dame Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law Volume 14
Volume 14 Masthead, Notre Dame Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law Volume 14
Volume 50, Issue I - Full Combined Issue
Volume 50, Issue II - Full Combined Issue
Volunteer at Green Bridge Growers, Student Bar Association, Notre Dame Law School
Walking the Red Carpet: Hollywood and Censorship in China, Sheryl Soundar
What is Confession?, St. Thomas More Society
What Originalism Can Teach Historians: History as Analogy, Means-Ends Tests, and the Problem of History in Bruen, Kunal M. Parker
What We Have Seen and Heard, Black Student Ministry
When Catholicism Was Part of the Common Law: The Influence of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Samuel Bray
Where Have All the Trials Gone?, Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government and Federalist Society
Who is a Minister? Originalist Deference Expands the Ministerial Exception, Jared C. Huber
Whose Equity? Interpreting Statutes Authorizing Equitable Remedies, Drew Garden
Why Not Prosper?, St. Thomas More Society, Christian Legal Society, Jus Vitae of Notre Dame, and Notre Dame Exoneration Project
Why Should Anyone Be an Originalist?, Jeffrey A. Pojanowski
Women in Litigation, St. Thomas More Society, The Federalist Society, American Constitution Society, and Women's Legal Forum
Women's Legal Forum First Meeting, Women's Legal Forum
Working from Home Safely - Cybersecurity & Ethical Considerations, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Written Testimony of Professor Douglass Cassel Before the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, Douglass Cassel
Wrongful Conviction Day Speaker Event, Notre Dame Exoneration Project, Exoneration Justice Clinic
Year in Review, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF)
Zahir Rahman Deputy General Counsel, LV Raiders, Sports Communications & Entertainment Law Forum and Asian Pacific American Law Students Association